Dog senses California earthquake before it happens

A dog sensed the coming earthquake in Eureka California last Saturday.  It measured 6.5 on the Richter scale which is considerable less powerful than the quake that hit Haiti which was a 7.0 magnitude event.

Sophie the dog, sensed the earthquake moments before any signs of it appeared.  This video is from the office of the Times Standard newspaper in Eureka. 

Another view

A 6.5 quake is significantly weaker than a 7.o quake.  The Haiti quake would have 3.2 times the ground movement and 5.5 times the energy of the Eureka quake.


6 thoughts on “Dog senses California earthquake before it happens”

  1. As I understood the Richter scale, each 0.1 increment is equal to ten times the magnitude of the previous measure. Thus, a 7.0 scale event would be more powerful than a 6.5 by 50 times.
    Geologists and Seismologists out there, am I right? Or am I “chatting pup”, as the kids round here say.

  2. The other night I read about service dogs for epileptics that can sense epileptic seizures hours before they happen. I don’t understand how this works, but it fascinates me.

  3. @paul
    my boss wants to start doing that for the line workers. But cant find a camera that can handle the humidity levels.

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