48 Amazing anagrams

Some words NSFW


 Mother-in-law                                Woman Hitler
Evangelist                                        Evil agents
Large breasts                                  Great braless
Prison cell mate                              Con still rapes me
Ordained Priest                              Predator inside
School teacher                                coach the losers


sexually transmitted diseases       Last steamy sex resulted in aids
Husband and wife                         Fun was had in bed
The ménage à trois                        A giant threesome
Feeling romantic                            Flaming erection
X-Rated Movies                             Sex video-mart
Life Sucks                                        I Fuck Less
I have a large penis                       I please her vagina
President Clinton of the USA       To copulate, he finds interns
Catholicism                                     Comical Shit
Masturbation                                 Anatomist Rub
Anal retentive                                A latrine event
Axl Rose                                          Oral sex
Debit card                                      Bad credit
Slot machines                               Cash lost in ‘em
School master                              The classroom
Eleven plus two                            Twelve plus one
Dormitory                                      Dirty room
Punishment                                   Nine Thumps
The Morse code                           Here come dots
Stupidsticks.com                        Custom Dipsticks
Snooze alarms                             Alas! No more Zs
A decimal point                           I’m a dot in place
Astronomer                                  Moon starer
The eyes                                      They see
The public art galleries               Large picture halls, I bet
Election results                           Lies – let’s recount
The Hurricanes                          These churn air

-Anagrams in Famous Names-
Elvis                                                Lives
Elvis Aaron Presley                    Seen alive? Sorry, pal!
Madonna Louise Ciccone          One cool dance musician.
Clint Eastwood                            Old West action.
William Shakespeare                I’ll make a wise phrase.
Marilyn Manson                         Manly man? No sir!
A Homer Simpson                     Mr Homo Sapiens.
Giovanni Pergolesi                     I love opera singing!
George Bush                                He bugs Gore.
President Bush of the USA       A fresh one, but he’s stupid.
Osama bin Laden                       A bad man, no lies.
Saddam Hussein                       UN’s said he’s mad.
Adolf Hitler                                Do real filth.
Monica Lewinsky                     Nice silky woman.



2 thoughts on “48 Amazing anagrams”

  1. Some “Bits and Pieces” anagrams:
    “Bad insect pies”, Iciest bedpans”, “Basic need tips”, and possibly the worst anagram for “Bits and pieces”: “Penis scab diet”!

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