2 thoughts on “My prediction….”

  1. This was the decade when the U.S. voters ignored Martin Luther King … and they voted for the color of a man … rather than for his character.

  2. you’re right huckster – but not really. see, while i voted for obama for his character – though i admit i was also motivated to vote against mccain partly due to his color (sick, ghastly white).

    personally i think obama is doing a great job. and i also agree that this blog here is the best possible place to get our political opinions “out there” and “in front of people’s faces”. you know, i’ll bet that if we both try hard enough, we can make sure no one is ever comfortable voting for either black OR white politicians ever again.

    so lets here it for the MELTING POT PARTY – the political party i just made up (does it exist somehwere?) full of only those politicians whose ancestral ethnicity records require a full page to describe!!! i’m not kidding when i say that i like this idea! 🙂

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