100 things we didn’t know last year

Here are a few from the list:

  • Gold medal winner Chris Hoy was inspired to cycle by ET.
  • You can hiccup while asleep.
  • Indonesia is the world’s largest exporter of edible frogs.
  • Naked rambling is legal in Switzerland.
  • Facebook was originally called “The facebook”.
  • You can safely eat more than three eggs a week.
  • Monkeys floss.
  • Holding your hands up on a rollercoaster stretches the torso, enhancing the physical sensations.
  • Paper can be made from wombat excrement.
  • An outbreak of swine flu in 1976 killed one person but a vaccine to combat it killed 25.
  • Franco had one testicle.
  • The man who was the voice of Mickey Mouse was married to the woman who did Minnie’s.
  • You’re as likely to be hit by lightning as killed by a mentally ill person.
  • The crease under your buttocks is called the gluteal fold.
  • Banana skins can take two years to biodegrade.
  • Tattoos can be done with a person’s ashes.

The complete list with details on each from 100 things we didn’t know last year


6 thoughts on “100 things we didn’t know last year”

  1. You’re as likely to be hit by lightning as killed by a mentally ill person.

    I knew a guy who worked in a group home. He got hit with a bat behind the head by one of them. Spent 6 months in a coma and ended up with epilepsy. Yeah you might not be killed but you can still get sent to the hospital for a while.

  2. I knew you could do a tatoo with ashes, I had never thought about doing a tatoo with cremains, I’m not sure if that’s a great tribute or really creepy.

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