16 thoughts on “You really have no place in this conversation…”

  1. 🙂 but i do have to say, i am a veggie and i am a liberal, but PETA is a little too much for me sometimes…..

  2. So Thy King, You think it’s OK to say this is absolutely brilliant? Cause if so then you really have a place in this conversation, so don’t back off right now. I may not support as “funny” your absolutely brilliant comment because it may or may not be funny, , but since we all try and post stuff to make others laugh, how can you be against that?

    PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals

  3. So Paul in Boca you think it’s ok to make fun of Thy King? Cause if so you really have no place in this conversation and can back off right now. I may not support everything Thy King says, but being that he is Thy King, any protestation should result in a quick death, how can you be against that?

  4. So Sander you think it’s OK to make fun of Paul in Boca? Cause if so you really have no place in this conversation and can back off right now. I may not support everything Paul in Boca says, but being that he is Thy King, also, it seems you have resorted to brown nosing said king in order to spare your hide, and I am definitely not against that! (Sparing your hide, that is…) 😉

  5. Did anyone else notice that Kyle’s profile picture changed? Usually if it changes, it would change all the pictures regardless of when you posted a comment. Something’s fishy here…

  6. Peta murders animals and the co-founder took insulin made from cows for years. They also dont support using animals for any form of medical research. Every vaccine, medication, surgery-technique that has ever existed is from animal research. I guess they just want the elderly and the sick to die.

  7. CA Kris, maybe she knows more than one guy named Kyle … and if you can’t accept that, maybe you have no place in this conversation and should back out now. I like you and all and think you’re funny, and I may not know every Kyle in the world, but I’ve known a few and stand up for every man or woman’s right to be Kyle. ;P

  8. So crispy you think it’s ok to make fun of CA Kris? Cause if so you really have no place in this conversation and can back off right now. I may not support everything CA Kris says, but being that s/he is from California (I think), that’s the land that gave us breast implants, how can you be against that?

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