15 thoughts on “Video tribute to my friend Mel”

  1. Well damn. That’s the first time they did that to me. Without music it’s not near as good.

    There were two songs the first was Born To Be Wild and the second Knocking On Heaven’s Door.
    Maybe I should just take it down.

  2. I wonder if you could try to upload it to YouTube again but mark it as private, then still be able to share it. Would that retain the songs?

  3. I had a little trouble uploading it, but got it. It took me about 20 seconds to download it to check it out and it works.
    I don’t have a flickr account. I doubt if YouTube would allow the audio that way either.

  4. Mel looked like quite the character.

    Jonco, again I am sorry for your loss.

    And by the way, I watched it on this site but could not hear the music. But since I know those songs, I imagined them playing while watching.

    Thank you for sharing this video.

  5. That’s just beautiful Jonco. You can see the smiles, laughter, cheers, beers, and miles that you’ve shared. A wonderful tribute to your friend. I would have enjoyed to meet him.

  6. Jonco, I had no problems with the audio. Did you upload it again or is it just me?

    Each photo must be a great memory for you. I did notice that you and your friends have a thing for mooning?

  7. Jonco, thanks for sharing a bit of Mel with all of us. He seemed like a really good guy. I’m sure he’s going to be around when you need him. Beautiful tribute.


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