10 thoughts on “When you get to be my age, you notice things like this”

  1. I write a thousand words a day and have discovered photos like that reduce me to typing things like, ‘She’s really pretty” and “Wow”. So in an effort to reach beyond that, I would like to say, “Wow! She’s really pretty”

  2. I originally saw that pic (and what a wonderfully glorious picture it is, too!) with a different caption. Yours is still funny, though! 🙂

  3. Thanks for posting it again! Always nice to see that cute little blue outfit.

    By the way, this fake snow scared the crap out of me. I thought my monitor was going bad.

  4. No bra either, and doesn’t appear to be properly dressed for her surroundings. We call those prissy girls here, usually doesn’t take ’em long to get beat up.

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