Reddit asks the question: What are some life-isms that you know?
Here are some examples:
- Don’t eat yellow snow. When in doubt, throw it out.
- If you chase two rabbits, you will lose both.
- don’t piss into the wind
- If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
- If you want something done, give it to a busy person.
- Ask for forgiveness, not permission.
- Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. ‘Yes’ is the answer
- There is no economy in cheap meat or cheap condoms.
- Always take it easy and if its easy take it home
What are some life-isms that you know?
trust no one.
Always overtip a breakfast waitress. Just trust me on this!
never act on someone else’s opinion. except this one.
You cant out-wait a bureaucracy.
If something can go wrong when you are in a hurry. It will!
We are not yesterday.
Moderation in all things.
You can’t polish a turd.
It’s very easy to not be a wanker. So if you’re being one, you must be trying.
Money can’t buy you Happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside Happiness and party. **
When you’re in a hole, stop digging.
**Thanks Dave Lee Roth for this one.
Measure twice & cut once.
What goes around comes around.
Drive it like you stole it.
You’re going out with exactly what you came in with so enjoy the inbetween.
Never pass up a chance to pi** and never, ever trust a fart if you don’t have a change of underwear close by.
Bella, just the other day I heard someone say, that they had never seen a hearse pulling a U Haul trailer.
Never miss a chance to hug someone you care for.
Always catch your favorite movie when it’s on.
Life is short, but it’s the longest thing you’ll ever do.
you can either be a good example or a horrible warning
Sometimes too much to drink isn’t eonugh.
If you think theres good in everybody, you haven’t met everybody.
If things appear to be going well, you may have overlooked something.
Sanity is a cozy lie-Susan Sontag
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
“New and improved” probably is neither
I like that last one Max.
Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Still.
Be good, and you will be lonely.—Mark Twain
Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.—Mark Twain
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
As long as I’m looking at the grass from the right side, I’m doing Ok.
But my favorite was that1chick: Sometimes too much to drink isn’t eonugh.
Too true. LOL
It just seems to hurt more than it used to, DAYUM!
Don’t F**K WITH ME.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer (does that one count?)