7 thoughts on “Canadian ice fishing”

  1. i fear for their lives. really. my god* that’s got to be cold.

    *my god is a flying spaghetti monster named earl. not to be confused with The Flying Spaghetti Monster; earl’s noodley appendage is somewhat less powerful and is only able to slobber hot wet sauce all over you. nonetheless, Earl is quite a nice lesser-god and i’ll hear none of your arguments for converting to ‘Pastafarianism’, i’m happy as I am thank you very much.

  2. bitflung–all we have to do is kill a few more pirates so the global warming continues and than we can save these poor people from this bitter cold 😛

  3. sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes there so shriveled up you will need 3 weeks in front of a blast furnace to find them again. i think them boys are both.

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