19 thoughts on “The Poll Numbers Are Slip Sliding Away”
We all know its George Bush’s fault that the great community organizer is down in the polls.
Remember that this guy hasn’t even been in office for 11 months yet.
@3:17 there is a graph showing our “trillions in debt” – and sure it’s horrible and bad that we are so in debt, but if you pause the video you can see a distinct increase in debt accumulation before clinton, flatlining during clinton, then a worse increase during bush (for 8 years) and, well, obama’s term so far is too short to really see on this plot (one year is one point, no slope can be determined from one point on a plot).
i think obama is doing a great job with what he’s got to work with. the country is broken, badly. it was broken long before even bush came to office, but the symptoms took a long time to really show (we absorbed so much of the problem into the national debt and future positions).
would mccain/palin being doing any better? that question is so laughable i just sit and thank our luck that we ended up with obama.
4 years is not enough time to fix our broken systems. 8 years would likely be cutting it short. i just hope whoever comes in after obama continues his trend rather than upheaving this progress in an effort to produce instant gratification for the stupid masses.
instant gratification isn’t for the stupid masses as much as it is for our machiavellian business tactics.
Did any once other than myself catch the idea this was rather funny?
It is funny Mike, just glaringly inaccurate. Take, for example, the notion that he is lost without a teleprompter. While this is gospel among the haters on the right, his off-the-cuff discussions, easily observed in videos of numerous town-halls and press conferences, are thoughtful, wide-ranging, erudite, and smoothly delivered. The times are tough for many, and folks are impatient. But in seven years time, all of us but those in culturally- or self-imposed blinders will be looking back on the tenure of one of the greatest of presidents.
And as a bonus: He can pronounce ‘nuclear’.
People who don’t like him are stupid? That truly shows who is ignorant. And since your so wise I can rely on you running for president in 2012? You seem to have it all figured out. I might vote for you.
Jonco– Others who couldn’t pronounce ‘nuclear’…Pres JFK, VP Walter Mondale, and Pres. Jimmy Carter, who couldn’t figure out how to say it even after working in the US Navy’s nuclear propulsion program.
Massatoosits! That’s funny. I hadn’t seen that before. Thanks DJ.
BitFlung – hmmm, your man Obama has spent more in 11 months than every single president before him COMBINED.
He has socialized GM, Chrysler, banks, insurance companies, and now he wants to “fix” healh care? Wow. Look what the gov’t runs now – bankrupt medicare, bankrupt post office, bankrupt medicade, bankrupt fannie/freddie. And now it wants to take 1/6 and *fix* it because they think they can do better than the private sector?
Face it, your man is a complete disaster, he has no idea what he’s doing.
And Jonco — Obama can also pronounce surrender. In every language.
Anyone that thinks (so far) that
Didn’t finish my comment… Anyone that thinks that Bush was the worst president in history and Obama is looking like one of the best, needs to learn a little…HISTORY. None of these guys are perfect but Afghanistan is now Obama’s war and this economy is now Obama’s economy.
Let’s give Prezbo the benefit of the doubt. Now that his mentor, “Bomber Bill” Ayers, is mad at him, maybe he is growing a pair. I kinda wonder though, why the “Tolliban” just don’t lay low ’til July 2012 and wait for the U.S. to retreat, just in time for the next election. Vote Libertarian…
Can someone honestly tell me with a straight face that McCain would not have spent as much money as Obama has to fix the economy?
Perhaps he would have put it elsewhere, but it was going to take a lot of dough to fix, and anyone who seriously thinks McCain would have done much differently does not understand American politics AT ALL.
I want to hold onto as much of my money as I can. It’s MINE, not the government’s (beyond REASONABLE taxes to pay for roads, schools, police, fire, etc.). BUT I am not moaning and whining that Obama is spending us to death. Why? Because I believe the economy is going to turn around. The wars need to end; Bush’s wars are costing us BILLIONS of dollars, and you cannot blame Obama for that mess.
It cracks me up how the Republican warmongers don’t even BLINK when the cost of the war comes up, but they rage and scream about other “government spending.”
We need to cut spending across the board. And while Democrats are not known for cutting spending, GIVE THE MAN a CHANCE.
If he has 2 terms and does sh!t, I’ll take the heat for voting for him. But if he turns the country around during his tenure, I seriously doubt all you Obama-haters will EVER give him the benefit of the doubt.
People on both sides can be mean-spirited and full of bile. I am a Libertarian, NOT a liberal, but I do believe that the right-wing is WAY more hateful than the left. And this hypocrisy matters because the right-wing parades itself as being Christian, and therefore more “American.” It’s crap.
We all know its George Bush’s fault that the great community organizer is down in the polls.
Remember that this guy hasn’t even been in office for 11 months yet.
@3:17 there is a graph showing our “trillions in debt” – and sure it’s horrible and bad that we are so in debt, but if you pause the video you can see a distinct increase in debt accumulation before clinton, flatlining during clinton, then a worse increase during bush (for 8 years) and, well, obama’s term so far is too short to really see on this plot (one year is one point, no slope can be determined from one point on a plot).
i think obama is doing a great job with what he’s got to work with. the country is broken, badly. it was broken long before even bush came to office, but the symptoms took a long time to really show (we absorbed so much of the problem into the national debt and future positions).
would mccain/palin being doing any better? that question is so laughable i just sit and thank our luck that we ended up with obama.
4 years is not enough time to fix our broken systems. 8 years would likely be cutting it short. i just hope whoever comes in after obama continues his trend rather than upheaving this progress in an effort to produce instant gratification for the stupid masses.
instant gratification isn’t for the stupid masses as much as it is for our machiavellian business tactics.
Did any once other than myself catch the idea this was rather funny?
It is funny Mike, just glaringly inaccurate. Take, for example, the notion that he is lost without a teleprompter. While this is gospel among the haters on the right, his off-the-cuff discussions, easily observed in videos of numerous town-halls and press conferences, are thoughtful, wide-ranging, erudite, and smoothly delivered. The times are tough for many, and folks are impatient. But in seven years time, all of us but those in culturally- or self-imposed blinders will be looking back on the tenure of one of the greatest of presidents.
And as a bonus: He can pronounce ‘nuclear’.
People who don’t like him are stupid? That truly shows who is ignorant. And since your so wise I can rely on you running for president in 2012? You seem to have it all figured out. I might vote for you.
Jonco– Others who couldn’t pronounce ‘nuclear’…Pres JFK, VP Walter Mondale, and Pres. Jimmy Carter, who couldn’t figure out how to say it even after working in the US Navy’s nuclear propulsion program.
But now we need a president who can pronounce the name of one of the 57 states… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUH_sUg1Sbs
Massatoosits! That’s funny. I hadn’t seen that before. Thanks DJ.
BitFlung – hmmm, your man Obama has spent more in 11 months than every single president before him COMBINED.
He has socialized GM, Chrysler, banks, insurance companies, and now he wants to “fix” healh care? Wow. Look what the gov’t runs now – bankrupt medicare, bankrupt post office, bankrupt medicade, bankrupt fannie/freddie. And now it wants to take 1/6 and *fix* it because they think they can do better than the private sector?
Face it, your man is a complete disaster, he has no idea what he’s doing.
And Jonco — Obama can also pronounce surrender. In every language.
Anyone that thinks (so far) that
Didn’t finish my comment… Anyone that thinks that Bush was the worst president in history and Obama is looking like one of the best, needs to learn a little…HISTORY. None of these guys are perfect but Afghanistan is now Obama’s war and this economy is now Obama’s economy.
Let’s give Prezbo the benefit of the doubt. Now that his mentor, “Bomber Bill” Ayers, is mad at him, maybe he is growing a pair. I kinda wonder though, why the “Tolliban” just don’t lay low ’til July 2012 and wait for the U.S. to retreat, just in time for the next election. Vote Libertarian…
Can someone honestly tell me with a straight face that McCain would not have spent as much money as Obama has to fix the economy?
Perhaps he would have put it elsewhere, but it was going to take a lot of dough to fix, and anyone who seriously thinks McCain would have done much differently does not understand American politics AT ALL.
I want to hold onto as much of my money as I can. It’s MINE, not the government’s (beyond REASONABLE taxes to pay for roads, schools, police, fire, etc.). BUT I am not moaning and whining that Obama is spending us to death. Why? Because I believe the economy is going to turn around. The wars need to end; Bush’s wars are costing us BILLIONS of dollars, and you cannot blame Obama for that mess.
It cracks me up how the Republican warmongers don’t even BLINK when the cost of the war comes up, but they rage and scream about other “government spending.”
We need to cut spending across the board. And while Democrats are not known for cutting spending, GIVE THE MAN a CHANCE.
If he has 2 terms and does sh!t, I’ll take the heat for voting for him. But if he turns the country around during his tenure, I seriously doubt all you Obama-haters will EVER give him the benefit of the doubt.
People on both sides can be mean-spirited and full of bile. I am a Libertarian, NOT a liberal, but I do believe that the right-wing is WAY more hateful than the left. And this hypocrisy matters because the right-wing parades itself as being Christian, and therefore more “American.” It’s crap.