10th – “Scattered @#$%ing showers, my ass!”
– Noah, 4314 BC
9th – “How the @#$% did you work that out?”
– Pythagoras, 126 BC
8th – “You want WHAT on the @#$%ing ceiling?”
– Michelangelo, 1566
7th – “Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from?”
– Custer, 1877
6th – “It does so @#$%ing look like her!”
– Picasso, 1926
5th – “Where the @#$% are we?”
– Amelia Earhart, 1937
4th – “Any @#$%ing idiot could understand that.”
– Einstein, 1938
3rd – “What the @#$% was that?”
– Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945
2nd – “I need this parade like I need a @#$%ing hole in the head
– JFK, 1963
And, the Number 1 time in history when using the “F” word was appropriate…
“Aw c’mon. Who the @#$% is going to find out?”
– Bill Clinton, 1997
Barely amusing and in very poor taste, especially 3rd and 2nd
New here? this is a humor site, if you don’t like it, here’s one for you: http://www.foxnews.com
hey I visit Fox everyday and I have a great sense of humor
Who the @#$% asked you?
lmao well said Mike
@#$%-ing A
@#$%-ing newcomers coming in @#$%-ing up the place with their @#$%-ing commetns about @#$%-ing taste at a site where @#$%-ing half naked women are considered the @#$%-ing high point of the @#$%-ing day.
Go to the @#$%-ing library if you @#$%-ing want @#$%-ing culture but here give me @#$%-ing beer and @#$%-ing gutter humor.
More @#$%-ing half naked men would be appreciated too.
Personally, I think the Custer one is the best.
Those are funny.
Although, with #9, that question would have been asked of Pythagoras, not him asking?
Bella, wish no longer.
That @#$%ing #!&&#@ got how many @#$%ing votes!?
Nov 08
By= Too many to list
Infi, you’d need one.
that is @#$%-ing gross
don’t be to hard on the newbies it takes time to break them. i mean break them in. oops a @#$%ing Freudian slip.
and a pix to cheer up Bella
Tehobu, I thought you were my friend?
Thanks, ALN. That did the trick. 🙂
Mike, I have to agree, it’s cross, funny and sad all the same time.
I met a lady from Australia about 8 years ago on a MSN Groups. We started chatting and it was nearly a year before I told her her I was a man knowing she thought I was a woman. After that she bugged me to send a picture of myself. I put her off as long as I could ,then sent her one of the fat man above. We laughed about it but that put a stop to asking for pictures. The sad part is we stay internet friends up to just a few weeks ago. Her daughter e-mail everyone on her contact list that she passed away.
I miss the old bird.
I guess Roadside is the alias my Dad is now using on the internet.
Haha, the Picasso one, I get it.
Mike – That’s some of your best @#$%-ing writing ever.
It was actually kinda @#$%-ing heartwarming even.
@#$%-ing thank you DJ
Gee, Mike. You could give Shakespeare a run for his money. What prose…
Mike – You’re @#$%-ing welcome! Have a @#$%-ing nice day!
@#$%-ing Shakespear! He stole all my @#$%-ing good stuff!
I $%@#-ing love youse guys….well…@*%^-ing like you anyway.
Gary you really help make this site what it @#$%-ing is!!!
You guys are @#$%-ing killing me. Give ya an inch and ya’ll….nope better not @#$%-ing go there. I just join you in having a @#$%-ing beer Mike F.
Sometimes gosh or blooming just doesn’t cut it.
Lm #$%-ing ao@ Mike.
What’s with the @#$%ing lovefest up in this @#$%en place?
great #@%&in’ picture ALN! Right on ! I’ve missed coming here. My computer crashed and burned, still don’t have my new one. &$#@in ‘ slow ass delivery time. I will return tho!