You can create you own branding Iron. It’s a new head for your lighter. It will replace the old head with an addition text on it. Heat the lighter and the text will get hot. After a minute, press your text against an object to tag it.
Available here starting at $38
Mike F,
Tiger has one, it says “mine”, and he tried to brand Elin late, late, late into the night on Thanksgiving…
Let me rephrase what I said…WTF?
Yeah, something to brand people with–what possibly could go wrong?
I thought it was for miniature cows.
Mick, if that’s the case, I want it to be a miniature grill for the Little A$$ BBQ!
I could think of something better to waste money on…
This thing should be popping up in police reports soon.
Maybe it is for branding inchworms, which are neither an inch nor a worm, by the way.
That was @#$%-ing funny, Richard!