Dear Mandy

Lord Peter Mandelson, a British Labour politician and the First Secretary of State, warned internet users last month that the days of “consequence-free” illegal filesharing are over as he unveiled the government’s plan for cracking down on online piracy.

That didn’t sit well with some people….

Thanks Mike M

5 thoughts on “Dear Mandy”

  1. Normally i don’t watch these videos, but I’m happy I did, on this one. 🙂 Interesting and funny. If only more of the world thought like this… and if only the people who DID think like this actually tried for political positions.

    “Those best suited for positions of power do not want them, and those who want positions of power, are least suited for them.”

  2. Sorry, I forgot to add my little disclaimer, that may not be exactly, word for word what Aristotle said, but it’s the same idea. 😛

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