This person is still in a coma. The Lady holding his hand want’s to be on Oprah. This is disgusting. Gizz
I called bullshit the first moment I saw her “supporting” his hand while he “guided” it. I immediately thought, how in the hell does a paralyzed man move his hand that fast? The fact that his brain is still functional might be true, i’m not learned enough to call BS on that, but as for the typing? That Lady is just some moron who thinks she can take advantage of him to get on Oprah.
It’s the same as manipulating an ouija board. Pure BS.
Randi is right. How does a paralysed man type so quickly and accurately when a woman is gripping his hand so firmly? This story is sickening.
James Randi is hardly the only one, either. Steven Novella is a doctor, who both pratices in the field and teaches:
Dr. Nancy is the last person I would look to for medical advice. She’s nothing but a shill for Big Pharma.
I’d put more credence in this story if different people were ‘guiding’ his hand. What a load of bull!!
lolwat? there’s no way that guy could type that fast.
I agree with Mr.Randi
He’s wasn’t in a coma at all, just a paralyzed, and if they can get any response from him at all then they can set up whatever apparatus that matches in sensitivity.
This person is still in a coma. The Lady holding his hand want’s to be on Oprah. This is disgusting. Gizz
I called bullshit the first moment I saw her “supporting” his hand while he “guided” it. I immediately thought, how in the hell does a paralyzed man move his hand that fast? The fact that his brain is still functional might be true, i’m not learned enough to call BS on that, but as for the typing? That Lady is just some moron who thinks she can take advantage of him to get on Oprah.
It’s the same as manipulating an ouija board. Pure BS.