12 thoughts on “Turbaconducken”

  1. Is this dish that certainly doesn’t trip off the tongue a common thing in the US ?

    I know we have an olde englishe dishe of similar construction, but I think it has a name much more Dickensian that what you lot call it. Anyhow, take care of your arteries and have a great Thanksgiving you odd people !

  2. Keith–you have a dessert called “spotted dick” and you call us odd? Isn’t that like the pot calling the kettle black? 🙂

    I am not sure how popular this turbaconducken is in the US–I have not seen one in person nor do I know of anyone that has cooked or eaten it.

  3. I tried Turducken once in New Orleans and it was a$$ kicking good. This looks to be even tastier…Just take an extra Lipitor…

  4. When we were in Hawaii, a group of us did a potluck and ordered a fresh turducken for Thanksgiving. It was ‘eh’… too many flavors, not enough time to savor each.

    On the flip-side, I recommend Emeril’s beer/Cider brined turkey. Fantastic!

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