35 thoughts on “Wasted POTential – Cost/Benefit analysis of legalized pot”

  1. What surprises me most is that you can definitely see Georgia and Texas. Another key piece of this puzzle is how much it costs federal, state, and local governments to jail all the people incarcerated for basically using a weed.

  2. Why is Mississippi and Louisiana not bright green? They should be brighter than Cali.
    Almost a billion dollars in revenue from not even a fifth of the states would sure help the economy. They’re just renting the pot anyway.

  3. Also no mention of the social and personal cost of addiction. Or the fact that the younger the person is when they start smoking the more it permanently damages their brain. Sorry to be a buzz kill but I’ve seen the long term effects of a couple of friends who were pot heads. It is not a risk free drug.

  4. Overly simplistic representation of cost/benefit.

    Have you seen someone buzzed on pot driving? (that’s an oxymoron) How many innocents have to die in auto/work related “accidents” because someone was buzzed? How much more do we need to pay in medical costs for addiction treatment, hospitalization of people injured by those too irresponsible and self centered (pleasing themselves) to seek the help they really need instead of getting “buzzed” to make their problems go away.

    I personally had a pot buzzed person pull out directly in front of me on a motorcycle and watched him roll up the hood an over the roof of my vehicle. He was so buzzed he thought I was at fault.

    Enough people die needlessly (and I’m not taking about the drinker from drunk driving already. Do we really need to fan the flames?



  5. How much would all those new drug rehab services cost? How much would it cost us having idiotic workforce? How much would medical bills go up by health related problems? How much would it cost for every company to have to start doing drug testing?

    I am actually in favour of it being legalized simply put it is an advantage to me. I dont use the it and the more others use it the more idiotic they get. Which makes me and my family smarter by comparison. Yeah go ahead smoke yourselves retarded, its not my problem. Just dont tell me how much money it will save, because it wont.

  6. “Also no mention of the social and personal cost of addiction. Or the fact that the younger the person is when they start smoking the more it permanently damages their brain. Sorry to be a buzz kill but I’ve seen the long term effects of a couple of friends who were pot heads. It is not a risk free drug.”


    It has been proved that it does not cause brain damage.

    But I do believe that it might change personality in a sense: Since it does alter your reality a bit, people that use it all the same start getting a different perception of reality, i.e. they get used to the reality that they see when they are high, effectively changing their personality, most noticed when they are off the drug. The same happens with any psychoactive drugs, including Xanax, Valium, etc.

    It also impairs “short term memory”. Permanent brain damage? BS.

    I believe that, just like alcohol, it can be beneficial in moderation, socially and in health terms. Moderation comes, of course, from education and not prohibition. We all know what the forbidden fruit does.

    All in all, pot, which was made illegal for moralistic reasons and not rational reasons, is more harmless than alcohol and than the majority of over the counter drugs. Keeping it illegal just makes its commerce go underground, and normal people that just want to smoke in peace are giving money to criminals instead of society(taxes).


    • I just find the act of smoking pretty disgusting personally, so that’s the main reason I’ve never used pot. One time about 25 years ago I had a friend get me a small bag of it just to see what it looked like. I never did anything with it …. just kept it in a closet for 4 or 5 years then finally threw it out. I always said if you put in in a brownie I might try it, but have no desire to smoke it.

  7. The folks who would scream loudest if we moved towards decriminalizing pot are the ones who are whining these days about having their rights taken away, all the while clamoring for restricting the rights of everyone who isn’t just like them.

  8. Jonco, I recommend that you try THC’s effects at least once in your life. If you don’t like smoking, then make or get a brownie.

    I sometimes smoke the odd spliff with my friends, it’s like going out for a drink for me. I don’t touch cigarettes, though.

  9. i love the paranoia about assuming legalization means instant addiction to millions of americans. Pot is legal in amsterdam holland, yet holland is not even the greatest pot smoking country in europe. it actually ranks number 7. when you ask yourself why isn’t everyone instantly clamouring to smoke legal pot in amsterdam you’ll realize why legalized pot in america isn’t such a bad idea. i tried it once, and i don’t plan on trying it again.

  10. I don’t smoke it more than once or twice a year, maybe, but I’m all for decriminalization. It’s been proven less dangerous than alcohol to your brain, and no more dangerous than regular cigarettes but alcohol and cigs are legal? Hell, in Amsterdam, it’s illegal to mix tobacco with your weed! WTF

    The main problem with weed now that is harmful, is that it’s often mixed with other substances. If it’s regulated like tobacco, we wouldn’t have that problem would we?

  11. “Yep, decriminalize it. Guess I’m on the left side of this fence.”

    The right side.

    And Tyk, shut up. Your Bush was a cokehead.

  12. Obviously “Reader” is a loser druggie. Why don’t you die and do society a favor?

    Let Bush go already. Yeah, when he was a coke head, he should have died. Just like your savior Obama (who STILL must be using drugs for how blatantly stupid this man is).

  13. Tyk if you are going to join into a political/debatable subject, act like an adult and not tell a fellow reader to die. That’s just plain ridiculous.

    Back on topic:
    I’m not for pot, but I think it would be interesting to see what kind of outcome would happen if they did legalize it. Rich, I can see why you wouldn’t want someone to operate being high, but that’s why it would be up to the business to make rules like not being allowed to smoke pot before work or during a shift, just like the use of alcohol.. does that make sense? It could be considered intoxication at work. Still I’m curious to see what would happen and if really would make any kind of dent in our economy getting better.

  14. Short term memory loss – when you are under the effects of the drug. Not permanent.

    Change of personality – I guess anyone who grows a certain personality is braindamaged then.

    Find out what brain damage is before making statements like that.

  15. I find it interesting to read about this side of the marijuana conversation. I am a weekly user and have been for a few months now, but at the age of 17, I cant say that my ideas about weed are legitimate. In todays world, there is so much stress on daily life, that people turn to all types of drugs to take that pain away. Be it alcohol, stress relieving pills, or marijuana, none of them are good for the body in excessive amounts. Although it may be contrary to teen belief, I strongly believe that Marijuana is addictive and over time can influence the actions of the user. With this being said, the remarks that it shouldn’t be legal do indeed have some truth in my thoughts. But, I have also seen many drinkers, mainly ADULTS that have ruined their lives because of the hold alcohol has on them. For me, legalization of marijuana will come in time, when the US government can get over its original hypothesis and “facts” that weed is so dangerous to society. I see the struggle to be much like prohibition of alcohol, and the final blow to the government on that was the mafia. Similarly, I believe that the “drug lord” gangs will be the end to marijuana prohibition, but at the present, I would say its not close enough. As I said before, I am a 17 year old that has been smoking pot for a few months peacefully and for recreation, so my views on the issue may lean heavily on my social influence of the drug.

  16. Wow, surprising amounts of ignorance displayed here. People have been smoking cannabis for thousands of years. Only recently has it become demonized. It makes you feel better when you use it. Some people use it as medicine for this reason. Some people just enjoy feeling relaxed after being tense all day.

    Do some (thorough)research and you’ll find that most of the negative things you’ve heard about it are just propaganda. Do some more research and you’ll find out who’s behind it.

    It makes you feel good, with little to no ill effects. It grows practically everywhere, naturally. A law that prohibits is it sheer idiocy.

  17. “isiah
    November 22nd, 2009 at 4:11 pm

    How much would all those new drug rehab services cost? How much would it cost us having idiotic workforce? How much would medical bills go up by health related problems? How much would it cost for every company to have to start doing drug testing?”

    Which health problems?

    The work force is high right now.


    Companies that care already do drug testing very frequently.

    Anything else?

  18. any sane person knows it should be legalized, but heres a few reasons it wont be:

    1) lawmakers and politicians ARE INSANE

    2) the rest of us are too stoned to do much about this silly law; but who even cares when you can get it from a drug dealer that doesn’t charge 14% tax, or ask for ID to prove your 19/21 / of legal age! not to mention the speedy delivery

    3) organized crime makes wayyy to much money off it, and we ofcourse want their illegal corperations to prosper


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