Imagine how much more frightening and exciting lightning would be if it was actually this slow.
As it is, lightning strikes so instantaneously that it is pointless worrying about it – by the time you’re aware of a strike you’re either struck or safe. At the speed in this clip you’d have time to anticipate the strike point and try to run away.
It could be a new sport.
Imagine how much more frightening and exciting lightning would be if it was actually this slow.
As it is, lightning strikes so instantaneously that it is pointless worrying about it – by the time you’re aware of a strike you’re either struck or safe. At the speed in this clip you’d have time to anticipate the strike point and try to run away.
It could be a new sport.
Maffu – you mean, finally a sport where taking meth is a good thing?
Yes, a sport where “Sudden Death playoff” really means something.