35 thoughts on “Defining ‘rogue’”

  1. Why would anyone write a book about themself Going Rogue?

    Probably because it’s incredibly accurate.

  2. Maybe it’s about her plan to do different makeup. It was supposed to be Going Rouge. It was a typo.. er cosmetic error.

  3. “Going rogue” is also a term for a spy that has gone to the other side, so for Mrs. Palin, it is her breaking away from the more liberal Republicans and sticking with her conservative beliefs.

  4. And the slam-fest continues. Jonco, you use to be a little more even-handed. What happened? BTW, she actually just used the term that was applied to her by her “handlers”. I guess anyone that enters a room that she is in is an idiot too. Let’s all just hold hands, get matching brown shirts and kiss the liar-in-chief’s ass.

  5. I had no idea why she named her book what she did. Then when I saw the rogue definition being pointed out a few places, I thought it was funny. So, I posted it. (That’s what I do here). Obama fans can attest that I’ve posted non-flattering, but funny stuff about him lately too.

  6. mcw,
    Face it. You and your ilk lost the election. Never in my life time have I seen such vitriol and hatred spewed at our President. Yes, we on the left did our W bashing, but not to the depth and breadth that the right is doing to Obama. I mean, holding up pictures at a rally of Holocaust victims as representing what would happen to Americans if we passed a health care for all bill? Come on, you have to admit things are heading out of control.

  7. I personally don’t know any of these Nazis or people that brand Obama as such. I would not associate with anyone that showed that level of disrespect to our president…no matter who it happened to be at the time. I am NOT a republican, but I am a conservative. That’s my ilk. Heading out of control? You said it. Bush pushed our debt way out of bounds but Obama is taking it to new, irreversible depths.

  8. Paul…where were you the last 8 years? Did you miss all the signs comparing Dubya to Hitler? I find that difficult to believe…or was it perhaps just selective memory…

  9. mcw: Jonco shows the material that is available about whatever goof-ball happens to be sinking lower and lower into their own BS. He doesn’t “create” material. The people whom he posts about create their own material.

    You must be one of the few who think she’s really hot stuff. I think she’s hot too, but I doubt she reads “all” the newspapers as she states. She would definitely win the beauty contest, but not the presidency of the US.

  10. As far as what Palin reads, it’s an insult to think that we don’t get all the news in Alaska. We actually get everything that the lower 48 gets…not to mention the internet where everything on the planet is available. Concerning Jonco, he’s always been pretty fair, it just seemed like he hasn’t posted too many things unflattering to Obama in a while. Could just be my perceptions. On the serious side of presidential qualifications, Palin has been an executive and was a very good governor– most Alaskans do not feel that she was a quitter. She could not govern effectively while fighting the onslaught of unmerited ethics charges that ANYONE could file…free of charge, but cost the state millions.

  11. oh ohhhh because I said butcherd. No, if I was a PETA freak, I’d probably have used ‘slaughtered’ cause you know. Palin butchers the English language….? And field dressing animals entails butchering them…Have I explained it enough for you?

    I will say she’s slaughtered or directly caused the slaughter of wolves and polar bears, because the only point of killing them is for a trophy, and you wouldn’t butcher the meat.

  12. JD,
    I was very aware of all the W/Hitler comparisons. i did not agree with them, those comparisons went too far. But you never saw, during the 8 years you are referring to, the same kind of signs and the same intensity of hatred then, that are appearing now on a regular basis. Your thoughts?
    Your words: “most Alaskans do not feel that she was a quitter”.
    The fact of the matter is that there are about 655,000 people that live in your state, and about 307,981,000 that live in the rest of the country. I’ll grant your statement that most Alaskans do not feel she was a quitter. But you need to think about the perspective those of us in the lower 48 have about an elected official who basically says, halfway through her term, “eff this, I’m gonna do something else, you betcha!”
    As “big” as the stage is in Alaska politics, how do you think that compares to the world stage?
    Finally, I’m interested in your thoughts on one of your local bloggers, mudflats.
    I look forward to continuing our discussion.

  13. Strictly an observation here, because I’m staying out of this argument, but on your comment “the same intensity of hatred then, that are appearing now on a regular basis. Your thoughts?”

    I wonder how much is actually due to the ubiquity of the internet? I know someone’s sitting there spouting “no, it’s Fox/Limbaugh/Hannity” or “Maddow/Matthews/Obie”, but where do we actually ‘see’ the vitriol. In our comments. How much stuff is stated only due to the anonymity that wouldn’t be stated if your mom was in the room (btw, my mom intensely dislikes Palin so I might buy her the book for Christmas…)

    Look at the last decade. Twitter, blogging, FaceBook, & texting have all skyrocketed. With it, we are losing civility, focus, and respect. An off-hand comment makes someone a racist neanderthal and it’s always blamed on the redneck south. Have to say, I’ve lived from DC to CA, MI to TX and I’ll take the South any day. If you need help, your neighbor will help you. If you talk with someone, they’ll treat you with respect until you screw up. Then we shoot them. (I was going to say we “kick their a$$”, but that comment caused so much trouble before that I figured I should leave it out).

  14. Rev,
    Here’s a quote:
    “Since the election of Barack Obama as president, a current of anti-government hostility has swept across the United States, creating a climate of fervor and activism with manifestations ranging from incivility in public forums to acts of intimidation and violence.”
    Here’s the link: http://www.adl.org/special_reports/rage-grows-in-America/
    I agree with your observation of the past decade, no argument here. But the problem cited by the ADL isn’t derived from Twitter, it comes from Glenn Beck and the like.
    Your thoughts?

  15. ubiquitous: existing everywhere: present everywhere at once, or seeming to be
    vitriol: bitter criticism: extreme bitterness and hatred toward somebody or something, or an expression of this feeling in speech or writing

    You’re welcome…. 🙂

  16. Uh…sorry, Jonco, I git a little carried way at times…

    Paul, I can’t say I take the ADL as an unbiased source, any more that the ACLU or any other organization with a vested interest (and yes, that includes Fox/MSNBC/et. al.) Follow the money. Yes, you have to believe ‘somebody’, but remember, it’s all in presentation. If you get the disenfranchised behind you and the guilty consciences buy into it, it’s easy to grow financially and politically.
    Now, that doesn’t mean all organizations are evil. I won’t give a list of the good ones because someone will tell me something bad about them and I’ll be distraught for hours.

  17. Plus, Paul take a look through the comments and see how many are reactions. One person says “Revrick is a stupid liar” and someone else says “you’re only half-right” and then the argument becomes “Well, that’s what you get for listening to Scott”. They go from pillar to post and expand expotentially. But, when things are ignored, they just go away. Remember, an inchworm is neither an inch nor a worm.

  18. “I was very aware of all the W/Hitler comparisons. i did not agree with them, those comparisons went too far. But you never saw, during the 8 years you are referring to, the same kind of signs and the same intensity of hatred then, that are appearing now on a regular basis. Your thoughts?”

    Let me preface by saying that I did not like Dubya. I’m not a Republican, as some of my comments might give the impression of. However I did see constant hate and mockery of him far surpassing what we have of Obama now. With Obama, you still have his flock who go on about him being the savior, and chanting “Yes we can!”, worshipping his feet. We never saw that with Georgie. Granted he didn’t deserve it, but he didn’t deserve all the hatred either. I didn’t like him, but he was far from the monster he was portrayed as, and not all of the criticisms against him were valid. Similarly, not all of the criticisms against Obama are valid, but some of them are. Do I think he was born outside the US? Of course not. Do I believe he’s a socialist? Yup. Do I think he is setting up death panels and the like? No. Do I think he’s self-centered and doesn’t have the greater good in mind? Yes. I could go on, but honestly I don’t think we need ANOTHER debate about this matter, I’m just showing how I feel, and the extent of what I believe.

    Maybe you’re noticing the hatred against Obama more because you’re a fan of Obama, and you weren’t a fan of Bush. Are you a Democrat? If you are, that would explain it, most likely. As for me, as I said I didn’t like Bush, but I didn’t hate him either. His supporters were not very vocal about defending his actions, at least in comparison to Obama’s supporters, who take any light criticisms of the man as a personal affront it seems. Even if you’re not one of these fanatics, Paul, surely you’ve seen them.

    My point is that Bush got just as much hate as Obama, more probably (though I don’t know how you’d measure that…I mean you could look at both of their abysmal approval ratings, but that’s not a great picture of the whole situation).

  19. idk how you guys turned a discussion about Sarah Palin not being that smart into…whatever you’re talking about now.

  20. Manticore,
    You’re spot on, and Rev summed it up best: (these comments) “go from pillar to post and expand expotentially”.
    I’m guilty in leading things astray, I’ll admit it.

    I have been a registered Independent for all of my adult life.
    I wish I could hang around and further the discussion away from
    Tina Fey Sarah Palin, but I have to go earn my keep.
    Bye for now

  21. Scott, your puntifications have always been politically balanced, so I used you as the metaphorical equivalent of “Rush/Sean/Rachel/Chris”….not saying you haven’t thought me to be a ‘stupid liar’ of course…. 🙂

  22. Well, one definition is “cheating.” Using linear logic, cheating is dishonest, it’s dishonest to lie. The book is full of lies. There’s the reason you are looking for.

  23. “However I did see constant hate and mockery of him [Bush] far surpassing what we have of Obama now.”

    Really? I don’t recall any comparisons of Bush policies with images of dead bodies piled upon each other from a WWII concentration camp. I don’t recall seeing bumper stickers using a Biblical verse praying for his death. I don’t recall citizens attending Bush events brandishing rifles and pistols either.

    It’s always amazing how one can be so selective when they choose to be blind to the obvious so they can feel the false comfort of smugness.

  24. Ray, for what’s it’s worth, I saw a “Buck Fush” bumper sticker just yesterday. I see others that aren’t as politically correct as that one quite frequently. Yes, it was in a college town, but interestingly enough, the parking pass on the mirror indicated staff/faculty, not student.

    Scott, I don’t believe you’d be a punned-it because you have such an opun mind.

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