In the future, automated retrieval chairs will scoop drunks off the street and convey them directly to the nearest vom-chamber. Reply
“I’ll drink no wine before its time. And that time is now.”
In the future, automated retrieval chairs will scoop drunks off the street and convey them directly to the nearest vom-chamber.
Thanks to equality, many wheelchair users are finding themselves head over heels… drunk.
Since his pants are down I wonder if he got blown over…
You’re doing it wrong!
I’ve fallen and I can’t…*glug, glug, glug*…awh F’it!
need more ballast – fill the hollow leg
getting that last drop can always be a bit of a challenge.
The wheelchair also needs an oil change
Bottoms up!
Out of all the times I’ve seen this picture (mostly at B&P) I like Maffu’s caption this time.
Gotta love Finland (Finnish post box in the background)