I have been wondering if this story is legit or not; it will certainly be the cause of the deaths of unimmunized children. If it is shown to be not true though, that will not receive 5% of the media attention and video views as the original story. I just want the information available to us to be ACCURATE, dammit!!!!!!
People need to keep in mind that the body keeps going after a flu shot! If you were doomed to have a stroke, heart attack, catch a cold, get shingles, whatever, IT WILL STILL HAPPEN and wasn’t the shot!Developing flu shots is pretty standard procedure now a days. Perhaps some doctors will tell you not to get one because they fear going through a law suit if you have something untoward happen after your flu shot (remember that they are people and there are cheats, idiots and crazed zealots among them just like the general population)
An article by Yale University neurologist& neuro-oncologist
that responds to the video.
FYI, I got the Flu shot and the H1N1 shot as well, I’m 3 weeks later healthy thank goodness… this video is total BS.
Wow, that is so strange.
I’ve never had a flu shot. I did get a small pox vaccination when I was a kid though.
I also got both types of flu shot this season with no bad reaction, as did everyone in my office.
that1chic, are you susceptible to the flu? I had the flu two years and a bit ago for the first time in about eight years. I don’t understand why everyone keeps getting flu shots all the time it’s not THAT bad.
i’m going to hell for laughing at this……see you there:
Gee, because something didn’t happen to you makes it BS. Sounds like your disappointed.
@ MS
Now, sometimes i’m not the most observant of people… but i’m pretty sure that as I watched that video, it said, at least three times, that this was a one in a million chance. I don’t know, maybe some people don’t understand what that means. It means if 1,000,000 people get this shot, 999,999 will be normal, and ONE will be expected to get this disorder. And btw, that doesn’t mean there will be 999,999 more people to get this, just that, by probability, you are expected to get 1 out of every million. Just as the fifty percent chance of heads or tails doesn’t mean you will consistently get heads, tails, heads, tails, heads, tails. You might get 40 heads in a row.
Sorry for the rant, it just pisses me off when people claim medical disorders, especially ones as traumatic as this, are claimed to be bullshit.
I saw this a while back and it didn’t sound quite right to me, just by the way it came and went under different circumstances, and the fact that she was bitching about it on the news and not finding a way to simulate running so it would magically go away. I showed it to my wife an R.N. in the Neuro ward of our local hospital, with a background in the ER and Psych, and her very first comment was “Sounds like conversion disorder to me.” I have to agree, it really feels like she’s pandering for media attention, if it’s on purpose, she’s foul, if it’s just a poorly diagnosed mental condition, I feel sorry for her, but she’s doing harm by speaking out against vaccinations like that.
From the CDC:
“…but it is estimated that, on average, approximately 5% to 20% of U.S. residents get the flu, and more than 200,000 persons are hospitalized for flu-related complications each year. About 36,000 Americans die on average per year from the complications of flu.
This flu season could be worse [because of the H1N1 strain].”
so even if it’s 1:1,000,000 Mao, we’re talking about 305 people as of 2009 vs the 36,000 that die on average in the U.S. you do that math.
Im not gonna get the swine flu shot this year,I will wait to see what side effects other people have
This story is not true. The girl did not have Dystonia, and her doctor was a quack.
I have been wondering if this story is legit or not; it will certainly be the cause of the deaths of unimmunized children. If it is shown to be not true though, that will not receive 5% of the media attention and video views as the original story. I just want the information available to us to be ACCURATE, dammit!!!!!!
People need to keep in mind that the body keeps going after a flu shot! If you were doomed to have a stroke, heart attack, catch a cold, get shingles, whatever, IT WILL STILL HAPPEN and wasn’t the shot!Developing flu shots is pretty standard procedure now a days. Perhaps some doctors will tell you not to get one because they fear going through a law suit if you have something untoward happen after your flu shot (remember that they are people and there are cheats, idiots and crazed zealots among them just like the general population)
An article by Yale University neurologist& neuro-oncologist
that responds to the video.
FYI, I got the Flu shot and the H1N1 shot as well, I’m 3 weeks later healthy thank goodness… this video is total BS.
Wow, that is so strange.
I’ve never had a flu shot. I did get a small pox vaccination when I was a kid though.
I also got both types of flu shot this season with no bad reaction, as did everyone in my office.
that1chic, are you susceptible to the flu? I had the flu two years and a bit ago for the first time in about eight years. I don’t understand why everyone keeps getting flu shots all the time it’s not THAT bad.
i’m going to hell for laughing at this……see you there:
Gee, because something didn’t happen to you makes it BS. Sounds like your disappointed.
@ MS
Now, sometimes i’m not the most observant of people… but i’m pretty sure that as I watched that video, it said, at least three times, that this was a one in a million chance. I don’t know, maybe some people don’t understand what that means. It means if 1,000,000 people get this shot, 999,999 will be normal, and ONE will be expected to get this disorder. And btw, that doesn’t mean there will be 999,999 more people to get this, just that, by probability, you are expected to get 1 out of every million. Just as the fifty percent chance of heads or tails doesn’t mean you will consistently get heads, tails, heads, tails, heads, tails. You might get 40 heads in a row.
Sorry for the rant, it just pisses me off when people claim medical disorders, especially ones as traumatic as this, are claimed to be bullshit.
I saw this a while back and it didn’t sound quite right to me, just by the way it came and went under different circumstances, and the fact that she was bitching about it on the news and not finding a way to simulate running so it would magically go away. I showed it to my wife an R.N. in the Neuro ward of our local hospital, with a background in the ER and Psych, and her very first comment was “Sounds like conversion disorder to me.” I have to agree, it really feels like she’s pandering for media attention, if it’s on purpose, she’s foul, if it’s just a poorly diagnosed mental condition, I feel sorry for her, but she’s doing harm by speaking out against vaccinations like that.
From the CDC:
“…but it is estimated that, on average, approximately 5% to 20% of U.S. residents get the flu, and more than 200,000 persons are hospitalized for flu-related complications each year. About 36,000 Americans die on average per year from the complications of flu.
This flu season could be worse [because of the H1N1 strain].”
so even if it’s 1:1,000,000 Mao, we’re talking about 305 people as of 2009 vs the 36,000 that die on average in the U.S. you do that math.