Can you spot the woman’s body in this picture of a leopard?
Answer after the break….
The creature’s eyes, cheeks and chin have been painted onto the floor while the back of a female volunteer forms the rest of its face – her bottom is used as the big cat’s nose and top lip.
I missed it…nice boo-tay
That’s one good lookin’ pussy…
That’s a real hard one
Where is it…we know the nose is involved since it covers almost all the picture.
Taint no Lee-O-pard (German pronounciation)
I prefer Pink Floyd’s use of ladies’ backs:
(might be NSFW – there is some posterior action)
Dimndgal1, two of my favorite things Pink Floyd and women’s bottoms.
The second picture at this post will help you see what’s going on.
Finally! a photo of naked woman that you can set as background at work without anyone complaining! 🙂
i see a butterfly tattoo on her back,