Flying Lessons

 My ex-wife started taking flying lessons about the time our divorce started, and she got her license shortly before our divorce was final, later that same year. 

Yesterday afternoon, she narrowly escaped injury in the aircraft she was piloting when she was forced to make an emergency landing in Southern Alabama because of bad weather. 

 Thank God our kids were with me at the Beach House this weekend. 

The absence of a post-crash fire was due to insufficient fuel on board.  No one on the ground was injured. 

The photograph below, was taken at the scene and shows the extent of damage to her aircraft.  She was very lucky.   

……..  ——>

Witches broom

Thanks Gene

9 thoughts on “Flying Lessons”

  1. In Portuguese from Brazil:
    Lições de voo
    Minha ex-esposa começou a tomar lições de vôo ao tempo de nosso divórcio e pouco tempo depois obteve a sua licença para pilotar.
    Ontem à tarde, ela escapou por pouco de um grande acidente em sua aeronave. Ao se ver forçada, por causa do mau tempo, a fazer um pouso de emergência no sul do Alabama.
    Graças a Deus, nossos filhos estavam comigo na casa de praia este fim de semana.
    A ausência de um incêndio após a aterrissagem foi devido ao insuficiente combustível que tinha a bordo. E ninguém no chão ficou ferido.
    A fotografia abaixo, tirada momentos após o acidente, mostra a extensão dos danos em sua aeronave.
    ===> (photo)
    Pode-se dizer que ela teve muita sorte.
    Requesting license to be published in my blog EntreMentes.
    Paulo Gurgel

  2. Hah! You suckered me into that one. This has appeared in various guises such as “Hillary Clinton cheats death during air crash”… Good way to recycle an old gag!

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