Fer sure that is God’s Country JohnC & DJ. I must be slipping a gear DJ, just when was that again? We must have gone salmon fishing and drinking beer but maybe not in that order?
DJ that would explain the questioning i got at the border wearing my B & P t-shirt that guard wanted to know how i got back in after i proved i wasn’t you he let me go. he thought you had shaved, dyed your hair, and gained 100 lbs just to sneak back in.
Run Bella Run!!!
The I scream looks runny.
I’m running like h3ll Deej and pitching french fries over my shoulder.
Run all the way to BELLA COOLA!!
Bella’s VERY coola!
DJ, Do you know about Bella Coola? It’s in British Columbia. Google it to see one of BELLA’s favorite places!
DJ– Hereitis! http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4GGLJ_enUS309US309&q=bella+coola+british+columbia&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=2W3jSorQNojSMtT6rLEB&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=5&ved=0CCYQsAQwBA
Loooong run from Vancouver, tho. 300-400 miles. Whaddaya say, Bella?
Oh yeah I know about it…Bella took me there some time ago.
Fer sure that is God’s Country JohnC & DJ. I must be slipping a gear DJ, just when was that again? We must have gone salmon fishing and drinking beer but maybe not in that order?
I knew you’d forget.
The border guard hasn’t.
Ohhhh, that time!!! When it was really, really cold and you were nekkid. I do remember!
DJ that would explain the questioning i got at the border wearing my B & P t-shirt that guard wanted to know how i got back in after i proved i wasn’t you he let me go. he thought you had shaved, dyed your hair, and gained 100 lbs just to sneak back in.
Ah, Ha. Now the truth comes out. I wasn’t sure about the border crossing ALN but DJ is crafty.
ALN – I’m working on that ‘gaining 100 lbs’ thing…but don’t tell Customs….