38 thoughts on “They’re gonna tax that when they see this”
Paul I look forward to your comment
Yeah, thanks Mr. Reagan, Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Bush, thanks a lot.
child abuse!!
mu – I think that debt is from the “stimulus package,” so you should be sending a thank you to Mr. Obama–and the crooks in Congress, too.
Just wait until the socialized medicine comes out…
child abuse indeed, i hate parents who use their kids to show off their political views:( its a human being, not a toy or a tool
Sure, the financial problems in the US are because of the new president, not because the likes of Paris Hilton give Bling water to their chihuahuas. Some people just have too much money and some have too little.
It’s a legitimate concern, and her generation should have a seat (more likely high chair) in congress. Afterall, we were founded on the belief of no taxation without representation.
mu – I don’t disagree with you, but where is Jimma Carter on this list? Remember the 18% mortgage rates and the long lines for non-existent gasoline. Yep, thanks the peanut farmer. As a Georgian, I can promise you that he is as highly thought of around here as Slick Willy is in Arkansas.
I tend to agree with mu. Deficits exploded when Reagan’s “trickle down” theory of economics was implemented.
If your recall, the first stimulus package happened about a year ago–before the election–when W was in charge (if you consider dangling from the puppet strings held by Cheney as being “in charge”).
Did Obama add to the deficit? Absolutely. However, Obamas’ spending is meant, in the long term, to reduce said deficit.
Will it work? No one knows, let’s hope we are all still around to determine whether it works or not.
@Tim and @Richard,
The mad rush to deregulate the financial markets started with Reagan and continued until the markets, inevitably, blew themselves to bits and pieces in an insane frenzy of short sighted greed. The regulations in question were a result of The Great Depression and the irrational exuberance in the financial markets that directly led to the happy fun times of 1929 (which didn’t end until humanity got have WWII to clear things up); the regulations were there because humans group behavior is as sharp as a sack of wet liver (there are smart individuals but rarely do we have smart groups) and humanity learns nothing from history.
So, no, the current mess and the financial consequences are not Barak Obama’s fault, he’s just left with the task of dealing with it and once again, the worst job in America goes to the black guy. If Obama doesn’t bury the financial dumb asses in regulation to keep them from hurting themselves (again), then he deserves a kick in the ass.
BTW, socialized medicine is a hell of a lot cheaper than the absurd bureaucratic nightmare that is US for-profit health management. I am amazed at how often Americans work against their own best interests due to ignorance and fear.
I dont see why everyone is so worried about the debt. I plan to just commit tax fraud, credit fraud, liquidate my assets and move to another country one day. Rats always abandon a sinking ship
“BTW, socialized medicine is a hell of a lot cheaper than the absurd bureaucratic nightmare that is US for-profit health management.”
You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, they’re incredibly expensive programs that have severely taxed the budgets of many nations. Just look at medicaid now. Then expand the one bankrupt program to cover everyone.
All of the above is considering you’re not being sarcastic. If you were, bravo.
October 13th, 2009 at 3:47 pm
“Sure, the financial problems in the US are because of the new president, not because the likes of Paris Hilton give Bling water to their chihuahuas. Some people just have too much money and some have too little.”
I’m not rich because of Paris Hilton. I wasted years in school and working full-time.
I’m going to cruise and wait for Obama to give me a piece of that.
JD – I knew he was being sarcastic when he said “once again, the worst job in America goes to the black guy”. Whaaaaah. Now we’re supposed to feel sorry for the poor downtrodden ‘black guy’ for having to be The President of the United States. Poor li’l Barack. How awful.
Medicaid IS the template for health insurance in the US. Please show us proof of your statements that (your words) “they’re incredibly expensive programs that have severely taxed the budgets of many nations”.
How you doing? I think it’s interesting that you’re attacking the messenger, but not his message . I look forward to your response.
With all due respect, this is such a bogus argument. In the first place, the debt is large because we have a huge economy, but relative to our overall gross domestic product the debt is much smaller than it was after world war II. It is larger than it should be, ideally, but certainly manageable. And deficits will come down as the economy recovers, especially if we can overcome the Republican obstructionism over health care reform.
But the the bigger dishonesty here (or ignorance, take your pick), is that this must be passed on to future generations. Tax rates on the wealthy pitched at the same rates that existed during the Reagan administration would quickly begin to reduce the national debt. So the choice is really between carrying the debt over and “putting it off on our children,” i.e. there would be national debt during their lives more or less about the same as now relative to GDP, or asking the wealthiest Americans to buy yachts that are only 80 feet long instead of 100.
The bottom line is, when someone starts bloviating about “we are putting this debt off on our children,” they are either lying to you, or they don’t know what they are talking about.
Excuse me Acorvid, “dems” have BO in the white house and control both houses of congress, exactly how are the “reps” preventing “health care deform”?
You’re spot on with your statement that reverting tax rates to the Reagan years would begin to alleviate our deficit. The problem, IMHO, is that when Obama says he wants a “tax increase on the top 5% of Americans”, the Glenns and Bills and Seans and Lous of life scream “tax increase on Americans”. It’s ironic, I think, that they are part of the 5%, so they certainly want people to believe what they are saying. What’s really sad is that the people who would most benefit from some of the changes being suggested have been white washed into believing that those changes would hurt them, not help them.
Hi Paul. You’re missing it up here…we’re saving on A/C expenses big time.
Condensing almost a century of history into two sentences is hard, but he makes a few good points in the first paragraph. And yeah, some of the current mess isn’t B.O.’s fault, and he does have to deal with it. As far as dealing with the mess, he seems to be taking a path toward making things worse. The more he talks, the more the public understands what he’s doing, and the more his numbers fall. And as to regulation?…I’m not an anarchist, nor do I wanna “bury the dumb asses” in regulation, either. Surely it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. And no, of course I’m not for socialized medicine.
And I’m really tired of the race thing. I got over it a long time ago.
“exactly how are the “reps” preventing “health care deform” By actively and flagrantly lying about absolutely every aspect of health care reform: “death panels!”, “government takeover!”, “socialized medicine!”, “rationing!”, “govt bureaucrat making HC decisions!”,”U.S. has best system!” (it’s 37th best, below, e.g., Malta, Iceland, Oman, Italy, etc, etc, etc), “tort reform is all we need!”, and on and on and on. All, count ’em, all of the obstructionist talking points are false. Talk to someone who’s against meaningful reform, and you can be sure they have been misinformed by their congresspersons and by Faux News. If there’s an honest Republican left in the country, when they wake up to the party’s willingness to let our health care system crash and burn in exchange for scoring political points, they’ll never stop throwing up.
I bet she wasn’t wearing that when Bush was wasting a trillion dollars in the war in Iraq that got us …
N O T H I N G ! ! ! !
I take that back. I think we lost about 3500 lives and about 50,000 disabled soldiers in the prime of their lives in return too.
Courtesy of George Bush and Croney… I mean, Chenney.
yes the first stimulus us a big Bush screwup and us Conservatives let him know that,but the messiah far passed Bush in the almost 1 trillion waste of money that will mostly go to liberal favorite things like welfare,hey gotta keep the voters on welfare so they will vote Democrat
Infidel said; “yes the first stimulus us a big Bush screwup and us Conservatives let him know that,but the messiah far passed Bush in the almost 1 trillion waste of money that will mostly go to liberal favorite things like welfare,hey gotta keep the voters on welfare so they will vote Democrat.”
You know, it may be easier to live life with your eyes closed tightly, and the irrational hate meter turned up to ten. But the downside is that you reveal your rather stunning ignorance every time you open your mouth, and blind hatred is all you may ever know.
/rant on
all of y’all need to count your blessings that you are fortunate enough to have a computer to read this crap, in your home, wifi shop, or place of employment, and the freedom to voice your “entertaining” opinions on said crap!
/rant off
Thank the President if it makes you feel better. Me? I’m thanking my Congressman and Senators.
Acorvid did the messiah bless you with knowing all things,and no one knows hate more than liberals,and I love America
I notice that the pro-reform ranters in here choose to ignore the Congressional Budget Office report that predicts staggering costs for reform. I guess the it is another case of only quoting “facts” that support a predetermined position. And how many times has it been said that you cannot spend your way out of debt? And now we find that the U.S. dollar is being replaced in international markets by more stable currencies. I wonder if the financial folks around the world know something that a lot of us don’t?
Richard: “I notice that the pro-reform ranters in here choose to ignore the Congressional Budget Office report that predicts staggering costs for reform. I guess the it is another case of only quoting “facts” that support a predetermined position. And how many times has it been said that you cannot spend your way out of debt? And now we find that the U.S. dollar is being replaced in international markets by more stable currencies. I wonder if the financial folks around the world know something that a lot of us don’t?”
This is what I mean by ignorance. The “staggering costs” are all paid for in the Finance Committee bill, so it is at least budget neutral; as currently designed CBO says it will likely save nearly 100 million over current projections. As I say, if you keep your eyes closed, you are likely not to know what you are talking about. Now if you want to see staggering costs, take a look at what health care costs will be in ten years if we continue along the status quo. Republicans know this, of course. They are just willing to see their constituents suffer as long as they can obtain power.
Infidel: “no one knows hate more than liberals,and I love America.” In fact, most of the people I know are liberals, and they are the least likely folks around to “hate” anything. In fact, almost every good thing that has been done in this country in at least the last 50 years–civil rights, consumer protections, environmental protections, women’s equality, etc–has been done by liberals who love this country and hope to make it better for all. You’ve been listening to the hate-mongers like Limbaugh and Savage and Beck, mean-spirited, narrow minded demagogues whose only answer to people who seek to encourage us to live up to our American ideals is to project their own hate onto activists for good. And I’ve got news for you, brother, if you don’t love Americans, you don’t love America. The idea that everyone who doesn’t share your resentments, prejudices, and misconceptions is un-American is, in fact, the most un-American idea there could be.
Acorvid – I’ll get back on my soapbox again to complain about the total lack of tort reform and changing existing laws to allow us to buy insurance across state lines. Both would produce enormous savings but the ABA is not having any of that. And now, even the larger unions are coming out against the present bill since it would tax “premium” health insurance plans. Oh, and please stop projecting me as a Republican. I am a Libertarian who loves Americans. It’s the illegal aliens that I am opposed to.
Acorvid – Also, as a point of information, it is not necessary to restate everything that you are responding to. We can figure it out by ourselves.
And another thing. The Joint Committee on Taxation reports that the 829 billion dollars costs of the Finance Committee are being covered in part by 507 billion in new taxes and fees. Yep, how’s that whole Hopey Changey thing looking like now? It’s good to know that Acorvid seems to know so much about a bill that even the majority of Congress members say they have not read.
There’s nothing to fear but fear itse…..NO NO NO….Fear, this out of control, power crazed, democrat controlled congress.
“The madness of liberalism is that it always shifts the blame away from the perpetrators [of evil] to America. We are the only nation that has this developed sense of self-hatred, an irrational self-loathing that borders on the mentally insane.” – Ellis Washington
Health care deform
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz yea you were the one to call me stupid ,did I show you any disrespect,you dont even know me and I dont know you ,I rest my case
Acorvid, your message is right on, and there’s a few out there that don’t like it!!! Keep up the good work!!
HAHAHA love it and man is that the truth. Thanks Obama lets solve debt with debt.
Paul I look forward to your comment
Yeah, thanks Mr. Reagan, Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Bush, thanks a lot.
child abuse!!
mu – I think that debt is from the “stimulus package,” so you should be sending a thank you to Mr. Obama–and the crooks in Congress, too.
Just wait until the socialized medicine comes out…
child abuse indeed, i hate parents who use their kids to show off their political views:( its a human being, not a toy or a tool
Sure, the financial problems in the US are because of the new president, not because the likes of Paris Hilton give Bling water to their chihuahuas. Some people just have too much money and some have too little.
It’s a legitimate concern, and her generation should have a seat (more likely high chair) in congress. Afterall, we were founded on the belief of no taxation without representation.
mu – I don’t disagree with you, but where is Jimma Carter on this list? Remember the 18% mortgage rates and the long lines for non-existent gasoline. Yep, thanks the peanut farmer. As a Georgian, I can promise you that he is as highly thought of around here as Slick Willy is in Arkansas.
I tend to agree with mu. Deficits exploded when Reagan’s “trickle down” theory of economics was implemented.
If your recall, the first stimulus package happened about a year ago–before the election–when W was in charge (if you consider dangling from the puppet strings held by Cheney as being “in charge”).
Did Obama add to the deficit? Absolutely. However, Obamas’ spending is meant, in the long term, to reduce said deficit.
Will it work? No one knows, let’s hope we are all still around to determine whether it works or not.
@Tim and @Richard,
The mad rush to deregulate the financial markets started with Reagan and continued until the markets, inevitably, blew themselves to bits and pieces in an insane frenzy of short sighted greed. The regulations in question were a result of The Great Depression and the irrational exuberance in the financial markets that directly led to the happy fun times of 1929 (which didn’t end until humanity got have WWII to clear things up); the regulations were there because humans group behavior is as sharp as a sack of wet liver (there are smart individuals but rarely do we have smart groups) and humanity learns nothing from history.
So, no, the current mess and the financial consequences are not Barak Obama’s fault, he’s just left with the task of dealing with it and once again, the worst job in America goes to the black guy. If Obama doesn’t bury the financial dumb asses in regulation to keep them from hurting themselves (again), then he deserves a kick in the ass.
BTW, socialized medicine is a hell of a lot cheaper than the absurd bureaucratic nightmare that is US for-profit health management. I am amazed at how often Americans work against their own best interests due to ignorance and fear.
I dont see why everyone is so worried about the debt. I plan to just commit tax fraud, credit fraud, liquidate my assets and move to another country one day. Rats always abandon a sinking ship
“BTW, socialized medicine is a hell of a lot cheaper than the absurd bureaucratic nightmare that is US for-profit health management.”
You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, they’re incredibly expensive programs that have severely taxed the budgets of many nations. Just look at medicaid now. Then expand the one bankrupt program to cover everyone.
All of the above is considering you’re not being sarcastic. If you were, bravo.
October 13th, 2009 at 3:47 pm
“Sure, the financial problems in the US are because of the new president, not because the likes of Paris Hilton give Bling water to their chihuahuas. Some people just have too much money and some have too little.”
I’m not rich because of Paris Hilton. I wasted years in school and working full-time.
I’m going to cruise and wait for Obama to give me a piece of that.
JD – I knew he was being sarcastic when he said “once again, the worst job in America goes to the black guy”. Whaaaaah. Now we’re supposed to feel sorry for the poor downtrodden ‘black guy’ for having to be The President of the United States. Poor li’l Barack. How awful.
Medicaid IS the template for health insurance in the US. Please show us proof of your statements that (your words) “they’re incredibly expensive programs that have severely taxed the budgets of many nations”.
How you doing? I think it’s interesting that you’re attacking the messenger, but not his message . I look forward to your response.
With all due respect, this is such a bogus argument. In the first place, the debt is large because we have a huge economy, but relative to our overall gross domestic product the debt is much smaller than it was after world war II. It is larger than it should be, ideally, but certainly manageable. And deficits will come down as the economy recovers, especially if we can overcome the Republican obstructionism over health care reform.
But the the bigger dishonesty here (or ignorance, take your pick), is that this must be passed on to future generations. Tax rates on the wealthy pitched at the same rates that existed during the Reagan administration would quickly begin to reduce the national debt. So the choice is really between carrying the debt over and “putting it off on our children,” i.e. there would be national debt during their lives more or less about the same as now relative to GDP, or asking the wealthiest Americans to buy yachts that are only 80 feet long instead of 100.
The bottom line is, when someone starts bloviating about “we are putting this debt off on our children,” they are either lying to you, or they don’t know what they are talking about.
Excuse me Acorvid, “dems” have BO in the white house and control both houses of congress, exactly how are the “reps” preventing “health care deform”?
You’re spot on with your statement that reverting tax rates to the Reagan years would begin to alleviate our deficit. The problem, IMHO, is that when Obama says he wants a “tax increase on the top 5% of Americans”, the Glenns and Bills and Seans and Lous of life scream “tax increase on Americans”. It’s ironic, I think, that they are part of the 5%, so they certainly want people to believe what they are saying. What’s really sad is that the people who would most benefit from some of the changes being suggested have been white washed into believing that those changes would hurt them, not help them.
Hi Paul. You’re missing it up here…we’re saving on A/C expenses big time.
Condensing almost a century of history into two sentences is hard, but he makes a few good points in the first paragraph. And yeah, some of the current mess isn’t B.O.’s fault, and he does have to deal with it. As far as dealing with the mess, he seems to be taking a path toward making things worse. The more he talks, the more the public understands what he’s doing, and the more his numbers fall. And as to regulation?…I’m not an anarchist, nor do I wanna “bury the dumb asses” in regulation, either. Surely it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. And no, of course I’m not for socialized medicine.
And I’m really tired of the race thing. I got over it a long time ago.
“exactly how are the “reps” preventing “health care deform” By actively and flagrantly lying about absolutely every aspect of health care reform: “death panels!”, “government takeover!”, “socialized medicine!”, “rationing!”, “govt bureaucrat making HC decisions!”,”U.S. has best system!” (it’s 37th best, below, e.g., Malta, Iceland, Oman, Italy, etc, etc, etc), “tort reform is all we need!”, and on and on and on. All, count ’em, all of the obstructionist talking points are false. Talk to someone who’s against meaningful reform, and you can be sure they have been misinformed by their congresspersons and by Faux News. If there’s an honest Republican left in the country, when they wake up to the party’s willingness to let our health care system crash and burn in exchange for scoring political points, they’ll never stop throwing up.
I bet she wasn’t wearing that when Bush was wasting a trillion dollars in the war in Iraq that got us …
N O T H I N G ! ! ! !
I take that back. I think we lost about 3500 lives and about 50,000 disabled soldiers in the prime of their lives in return too.
Courtesy of George Bush and Croney… I mean, Chenney.
yes the first stimulus us a big Bush screwup and us Conservatives let him know that,but the messiah far passed Bush in the almost 1 trillion waste of money that will mostly go to liberal favorite things like welfare,hey gotta keep the voters on welfare so they will vote Democrat
Infidel said; “yes the first stimulus us a big Bush screwup and us Conservatives let him know that,but the messiah far passed Bush in the almost 1 trillion waste of money that will mostly go to liberal favorite things like welfare,hey gotta keep the voters on welfare so they will vote Democrat.”
You know, it may be easier to live life with your eyes closed tightly, and the irrational hate meter turned up to ten. But the downside is that you reveal your rather stunning ignorance every time you open your mouth, and blind hatred is all you may ever know.
/rant on
all of y’all need to count your blessings that you are fortunate enough to have a computer to read this crap, in your home, wifi shop, or place of employment, and the freedom to voice your “entertaining” opinions on said crap!
/rant off
Thank the President if it makes you feel better. Me? I’m thanking my Congressman and Senators.
Acorvid did the messiah bless you with knowing all things,and no one knows hate more than liberals,and I love America
I notice that the pro-reform ranters in here choose to ignore the Congressional Budget Office report that predicts staggering costs for reform. I guess the it is another case of only quoting “facts” that support a predetermined position. And how many times has it been said that you cannot spend your way out of debt? And now we find that the U.S. dollar is being replaced in international markets by more stable currencies. I wonder if the financial folks around the world know something that a lot of us don’t?
Richard: “I notice that the pro-reform ranters in here choose to ignore the Congressional Budget Office report that predicts staggering costs for reform. I guess the it is another case of only quoting “facts” that support a predetermined position. And how many times has it been said that you cannot spend your way out of debt? And now we find that the U.S. dollar is being replaced in international markets by more stable currencies. I wonder if the financial folks around the world know something that a lot of us don’t?”
This is what I mean by ignorance. The “staggering costs” are all paid for in the Finance Committee bill, so it is at least budget neutral; as currently designed CBO says it will likely save nearly 100 million over current projections. As I say, if you keep your eyes closed, you are likely not to know what you are talking about. Now if you want to see staggering costs, take a look at what health care costs will be in ten years if we continue along the status quo. Republicans know this, of course. They are just willing to see their constituents suffer as long as they can obtain power.
Infidel: “no one knows hate more than liberals,and I love America.” In fact, most of the people I know are liberals, and they are the least likely folks around to “hate” anything. In fact, almost every good thing that has been done in this country in at least the last 50 years–civil rights, consumer protections, environmental protections, women’s equality, etc–has been done by liberals who love this country and hope to make it better for all. You’ve been listening to the hate-mongers like Limbaugh and Savage and Beck, mean-spirited, narrow minded demagogues whose only answer to people who seek to encourage us to live up to our American ideals is to project their own hate onto activists for good. And I’ve got news for you, brother, if you don’t love Americans, you don’t love America. The idea that everyone who doesn’t share your resentments, prejudices, and misconceptions is un-American is, in fact, the most un-American idea there could be.
Acorvid – I’ll get back on my soapbox again to complain about the total lack of tort reform and changing existing laws to allow us to buy insurance across state lines. Both would produce enormous savings but the ABA is not having any of that. And now, even the larger unions are coming out against the present bill since it would tax “premium” health insurance plans. Oh, and please stop projecting me as a Republican. I am a Libertarian who loves Americans. It’s the illegal aliens that I am opposed to.
Acorvid – Also, as a point of information, it is not necessary to restate everything that you are responding to. We can figure it out by ourselves.
And another thing. The Joint Committee on Taxation reports that the 829 billion dollars costs of the Finance Committee are being covered in part by 507 billion in new taxes and fees. Yep, how’s that whole Hopey Changey thing looking like now? It’s good to know that Acorvid seems to know so much about a bill that even the majority of Congress members say they have not read.
There’s nothing to fear but fear itse…..NO NO NO….Fear, this out of control, power crazed, democrat controlled congress.
“The madness of liberalism is that it always shifts the blame away from the perpetrators [of evil] to America. We are the only nation that has this developed sense of self-hatred, an irrational self-loathing that borders on the mentally insane.” – Ellis Washington
Health care deform
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz yea you were the one to call me stupid ,did I show you any disrespect,you dont even know me and I dont know you ,I rest my case
Acorvid, your message is right on, and there’s a few out there that don’t like it!!! Keep up the good work!!
HAHAHA love it and man is that the truth. Thanks Obama lets solve debt with debt.