Does anybody know of a macro program that will allow me to type particular code that would allow me to create a hyperlink?
What I would like to do is to be able to automate the “via” link at the bottom of each post. For instance, lets say I’m on a page where I find something I’d like to post. I’d like to be able to copy the page URL, activate some code, and have it appear as a “via” link at the bottom of the post.
At the present time I create that link manually.:
- I type “via”
- I copy the page URL
- I paste that into the link dialog box of Blogjet
It just seems like there could be an easier way. And I’m thinking it would be a macro utility, but I’m open to other ideas.
You could do it using AutoHotkey. I could write you a short script if you like – a plug of my site in return would be appreciated 🙂
I have no idea of what you are talking about
Hello, I use the same method as you, and yes it is long. I see that David has answered with a good one. I would like to know if it works for you. I am adding you to my link list, I hope that’s OK. Please feel free to check out my ‘new’ blog, and if you have any hints or tips don’t hesitate to let me know.
Keep up the good work.
If I understand you right what you want is to automatically create a link (a vialink) and not by manually creating that link.
Thats exactly what I did in my wordpress blog.
In few words I accomplish this by using wordpress Custom Fields.
1. I create a new field widht the name via, and fill the data with the URL.
2. I create a simple function in my blog template that retrieve just the via field data (in other words, the URL) and output it with some HTML.
3. I modify the index and single page of my blog to add a call for my new function under the code of the post.
Now all works automatically. I just need to fill the via field and it appears just under my posts (only if I filled it, of course).
If you want, I be happy to share with you a full and detailed explanation and the full code of my function. Its a bit too long to post it in here.
But there one thin you must consider first. David, the author of the first comment have a good point. You could easy use AutoHotkey and create a macro to automatically insert the link code in few keystrokes. Its a great program.
I check the software you use to post, Blogjet and it doesn’t support Custom Fields in any version ( nor, I tried them both).
Like I see it, you just have two options here. You can change you bloggin application for one who supports Custom Fields, or you use AutoHotkey.
Hope this help you.
Great blog!
I just use the html tag like you do. If you have macro capability, you can set up a macro for when you press a certain set of keys it will auto type the html code for you. But since your probably putting in different web sites each time in the hyper link, I dont’ think the macro would help much…
I had a moment of free time so I knocked up a little macro for AutoHotkey. You can get the source code at
You’ll need to install AutoHotkey first ( ) then copy and paste the code into a blank .ahk file.
– The program assumes you’re running Firefox
– Press F1 to activate the program when you’re on the page you want to take the link from
– The program will copy the link code to the clipboard and should also activate the BlogJet window, you’ll just need to right-click into the dialog box and paste the text (this can be automated too but will need window co-ordinates for where the dialog box is)
– Press F2 to exit the program
– Function keys can be changed if necessary
If you need help with it you can get me at 234dave {at} gmail
Sex sweaty chicken wings breast football sex fast cars hooters golf. Hope that helps.
I’m going with infidel on this one.
Oh great. Now I have a headache trying to figure out what in the he11 you all are talking about.
Thanks for the ideas. I tried David’s and with a little tinkering it works pretty well. It looks like AutoHotKey is a nice macro utility. It’s pretty versatile, and it’s free.
Dave has a site similar to B&P called Web Digger. Check it out.