Heading to Florida for a few days

Airplane-dogI’m off to Florida early Tuesday morning to visit with my aunt.  She turns 95 on Thursday.

I’ll post while I’m there.  I’m also going to stop in at the Broad Street Bar & Grill in Port Charlotte to meet B&P reader Beerman and his buddy Fuzzball… Fuzzynuts or something like that.  No, it’s Fungus., Yeah, that’s it.

I’ll be coming home on Friday.

Y’all be careful out there.

19 thoughts on “Heading to Florida for a few days”

    • Tim,
      Funny song. Thanks, but I don’t think she could hear it well enough to appreciate it. I’ll pass it on to a friend that is also having as birthday. Thanks!

    • Gus is at home with the missus…except he’ll have a lot of home alone time during the day. I hope he does OK. My daughter (Krisgo) is going to check in on him midday.

    • Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I’ll pass them along and hope she understands. She’s a little fuzzy about the internet thing. She once asked me if I could find out on the internet where all the new people in her complex came from. She’s not real clear on the whole concept.

  1. Jonco…She’s in Port Charlotte? Well, I don’t need the internet to tell her that most of the new people in her complex came from Chicago, Michigan, Ohio, New York City, Ontario, and Quebec. Go ahead and tell her…she’ll be impressed, and you’ll be accurate.

  2. DJ – That reminds me, do you know what the cops in Florida call the transplants? Q-Tips, ’cause that’s all you see above the steering wheel…

  3. Krisgo, if Gus starts making you sniff the other dogs in the neighborhood for him too, then you need to have a little talk with your dad about his master.


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