38 thoughts on “Miss me yet?”

  1. After three months of Obama, I realized that Bush actually was somewhat competent.
    Uncle Sam didn’t wear a “Kick me” sign on his back in his time and though Bush spent money like water, it was nothing like the present lot. So, while I don’t miss Bush, I’ll exchange Obama for Bush any time.

  2. I miss Teddy Roosevelt (not that I was around when he was Pres.) – Sound familiar: “To destroy this invisible Government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.” – 1912 Progressive Party Platform (otherwise known as the Bull Moose Party), attributed to Theodore Roosevelt[1] and quoted again in his autobiography[2] where he connects Trusts and monopolies (sugar interests, Standard Oil, etc.) to Woodrow Wilson and William Howard Taft, and consequently both major political parties.

  3. Historians agree that Millard Fillmore was probably worse in general. But given the devastating effects of W’s presidency, it’s no contest: worst president in history. Sure there are about 25% of the population that likes him, but they are mostly the same folks who believe that the earth has been flat for it 6,000 year existence.

    But it isn’t just his incompetence that we should remember. The illegal war of aggression he started, on blatantly false justifications, resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, and the displacement of several million more. If there were any justice, that folksy boob would be deep in the darkest of prisons for the rest of his life, and then some.

  4. LOL, PJ.

    Actually, I do miss him, much in the same way I suspect Jon Stewart does.

    To the haters: B.H.O. doesn’t love America? Really? You believe that? And wearing a “kick me” sign? Why? Because he considers other points of view before he acts?

    And he spent all that money because he plans for the government to take over the auto industry, the banking industry, all industry? Wow, I had no idea. Maybe he should have just let those industries fail.

  5. (Sort of like Jonco’s What’s On Your Clipboard? but pasting my first thoughts.. ) It hurts so bad without you, its almost as if you were here.

  6. Anything would be better than the imposter we have in there right now……Where is the transparency he preached about…..Bar the press from Gitmo ??? Pushing bills thru at the last minute while not giving anyone any time to read them, Congress just voted down a bill that would require them to have at least 72 hours to go over a bill before having a vote….More broken promises…..He is making us a weak and vulnerable nation just a Clintoon did !!!!!!! Cant wait to 2010 and 2012 !!!!!

  7. Nope. Not at all. Not happy with all Obama is doing, but I believe it will get sorted out if people would just GIVE THE MAN TIME. Bush was a terrible president.

    To all you Obama haters: if O balances the budget in the end, healthcare is improved during his tenure, and he economy improves, will you cut him some slack? I’m just wondering. I was strongly opposed to his throwing BILLIONS of taxpayer dough at failed companies, but what if it works? What if it all gets paid back, and the economy rebounds because of it? What if it turns out it WAS the only thing that could be done at the time? Will you admit you didn’t give him a chance? Just asking.

  8. liberals why are you still soo bitter ,your guy won and if you still wanna bitch about the wars where are the protests now? Klyie Im not a redneck ….dumb@ss

  9. MCW
    September 29th, 2009 at 7:00 am
    The first George? would that be Washington?

    Lol, MCW. That’s an awesome comeback!

    Actually, I do sometimes miss GW.

    I like Obama. I think his heart’s in the right place. I think he wants to be a nice guy and sincerely believes in what he’s doing, but I see him making a lot of the same mistakes Grant made.

  10. comparitively at this point in his presidency we still liked GW and felt he was an alright guy. Though at that time he didn’t do much to stir the pot. aside from taking a month long vacation.

    Obama on the other hand, has been on the offensive since day 1. though I can see the logic to much of his actions since he’s been in office it makes me wary of a guy who’s doing so much so quickly.

    Honestly I have to say, I like an informed president better than an uninformed one. I hope that in a couple of years as things start to smooth over we actually like this president.

    you know I can’t think of any times GW addressed all of congress, this guy has done it more than 2x in the last 6 months. I like that no matter political party

  11. HiI’mBob – You can’t think of any time W addressed a joint session of Congress??? How about 8 State of the Union addresses? You’ve forgotten about the address he gave about a week after 9/11?…

  12. Actually, I wasn’t calling infidel a redneck because he opposes Obama, that’s fine. And I didn’t call him racist at all. I was calling him a redneck because he seems to be under the impression that Obama isn’t American and hates America…Obviously that isn’t true, and if infidel can’t see that, then he is the dumb-ass..and by the way infidel, the next time you call someone a dumb-ass, make sure you don’t misspell the person’s name in doing so.

  13. Infi,
    Mark it on your calendar for March 20, 2010…anti war protests scheduled for Washington, D.C, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. http://answer.pephost.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ANS_homepage
    Will we see you in D.C.?
    @ DJ: Come on, the state of the Union addresses are required. So eight of them, in an eight year Presidency, makes…one a year. I’ll give you the one shortly after 9/11, but he really had no choice on that one, did he?
    Your current President, as stated elsewhere, has already voluntarily made 2 speeches to the joint session.

  14. Aww c’mon, Paul. Fer cryin out loud, I know that. Sheesh! I was simply answering the statement by HiI’mBob that he “can’t think of any times GW addressed all of congress”. He’s the one that needed the reminder, not me. I was just trying to help.

    It took awhile, but I found a list of Joint Session speeches: http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/reference/four_column_table/Joint_Sessions.htm
    and (it’s a PDF): http://www.senate.gov/reference/resources/pdf/joint_sessions.pdf

    Took a while to go through, but if we eliminate the State of the Unions and traditional post-inaugural equivalents (usually after a new president’s 1st mo. in office at the end of Feb [like O gave in Feb]), here’s the score of presidential speeches to the full Congress going back to JFK:

    BO– 1 so far.
    2nd Bush–8 yrs– 1 (9/11 response)
    Clinton–8 yrs– 1 (healthcare)
    1st Bush–4 yrs– 2 (inv. of Kuwait; end of Gulf War)
    Reagan–8 yrs– 3 (inflation crisis; C. America; Geneva summit)
    Carter–4 yrs– 3 (energy crisis; MiddleEast peace; Salt II)
    Ford–2½ yrs– 1 (state of world)
    Nixon–5½ yrs– 2 (economy; Europe)
    LBJ–5+ yrs– 1 (voting rights)
    JFK–34 months–1 (foreign aid)

    Don’t know what the point of all this is…the Constitution really only says “He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient”, so, even though the Constitution requires the President to inform Congress as to the state of the union, it doesn’t actually require it to be a speech, or require it in January, or require it annually or even regularly. The other presidential addresses usually signal something extraordinary (although if you look at some of them, they seem more like politicking or distractions), so if BO chooses to make it a frequent occurrence, maybe he’s doing it wrong.

    No, you probably won’t see me in DC next March (and hope to never be in LA anytime). I wonder if BO and Michelle, Mr & Mrs Clinton, Al Gore, Sen Kerry, Sen Dodd and Rep Murtha will attend? Move On and Code Pink? Will a lot of Congress be there? How about Whoopi Goldberg, Charlie Sheen, Ariana Huffington, Oprah, Al Franken, Michael Moore? I imagine they all will because when I last checked a year or two ago they were all pretty anti-war. I didn’t see if they are gathering in front of the White House or the Capitol Bldg. Which one will you be at?…I want to wave to you on CNN. I don’t think I’d fit in with that crowd, though…I’m more pro-victory, and the guest list just ain’t my peeps…Cynthia McKinney, Cindy Sheehan, and Ramsey Clark?? The National Lawyer’s Guild? Yikes.

    But hey! Safe trip and post pics!

  15. Yes, miss him very much – don’t you remember? The economy started going down about eight months before the election – when Congress decided they weren’t going to do anything else until the election was done and the messiah Obama came on board. Now they still won’t do anything. I blame the do nothing Congress !!! We should all think about that. Sorry people Obama is not the messiah.

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