IMMD: It Made My Day

Little moments of WIN.  Here are some examples:

  • Tuesday I heard a loud noise and looked up to see a helicopter, then a white Ford Bronco sped by me on the street, and I thought that maybe I had time traveled to 1994 to help OJ get away. IMMD.
  • All day today I thought it was Thursday. It’s Friday! IMMD.
  • I called my grandma to find out how long until left-over chicken goes bad, she told me to Google it. IMMD.
  • Yesterday the announcer at my kid’s little league game, instead of saying that the bases were loaded, said “All your base are belong to Craig’s Hardware and Appliance.” That’s the name of my son’s team’s sponsor. IMMD.
  • Today my brother dropped out of college. I am no longer my parents’ lamest child! IMMD.
  • Today someone stole my wallet. There was $50 inside. I’m just checking this website to see if it made anyone’s day.
  • My best friend’s pet rat passed away and he buried him in a custom-made coffin: a hollowed-out block of cheddar. IMMD.

What made your day?

It Made My Day


3 thoughts on “IMMD: It Made My Day”

  1. It has been raining here for two weeks. I just notice the guy building a great big boat on the hill behind my house packing up his tools. Look like he is leaving. IMMFD

  2. I just found this the other day! I am loving it. I go from FML to IMMD. Both sides of life! I debated sending you the link but it was on a site I found through you so I figured you’d see it yourself. IMMD seeing you had found it!


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