The perfect health care solution for seniors

While discussing the upcoming Universal Health Care Program with my sister-in-law the other day, I think we have found the  solution.
I  am sure  you have heard the ideas that if you are a senior you need to suck it up and give up the idea that you need any health care. A new hip? Unheard  of. We simply can’t afford to take care of you anymore. You  don’t need  any medications for your high blood pressure, diabetes,  heart problems,  etc. Let’s take care of the young people.  After all, they will be ruling the world very soon.

GunSo here is the solution: When you turn 70, you get a gun and 4 bullets.  You are allowed to shoot 2 senators and 2 representatives. Of  course, you  will be sent to prison where you will get 3 meals a day, a  roof over  your head and all the health care you need!

New teeth, great! Need glasses, no problem. New hip, knee, kidney,  lung, heart? Well bring it on. And who will be paying for all of this. The  same government that just told you that you are too old for health  care. And, since you are a prisoner, you don’t have to pay any income  tax. I really think we have found a Perfect Solution!

Thanks Denny

15 thoughts on “The perfect health care solution for seniors”

  1. Yeah, how dare the government propose to take away health care from those who need it and give it to those who don’t deserve it!

    Keep the government out of our lives and let the strongest (capitalists) survive! No wait, that’s evolution. I mean let God decide.

  2. Why would any sane person want to plant this kind of violence for the sick minds that surf the internet? There are some idiots who would think it is a workable idea.

  3. Max, it’s much worse than you think. This kind of “humor” is really a poison that stimulates people’s worst fears in a deceptively enjoyable way that eclipses rational thought.

  4. “Keep the government out of our lives and let the strongest (capitalists) survive!”

    So you’re a socialist I take it? In that case there are plenty of countries that suit your ideology a lot better than the United States.

  5. Wrong, JD. I was referring to capitalism applied to health care, not capitalism itself. I guess you have no problem with people buying kidneys either.

  6. It is obvious that in all these healthcare ‘discussions’ that #1. NO ONE has any concept what Socialism is without some dictators name associated…ALL forms of government are equal (Democracy, Republic, Socialist, Communist) until you get corrupt LEADERSHIP!!!!!! Christianity is a form of Communism…one ABSOLUTE leader for the good of all. AND…our Republic went bad with corrupt Cheney/Bush; THAT sure wasn’t a form of Representative Democracy we could be proud of!
    #2.WITHOUT government control/restrictions on CORRUPT PROFIT TAKING INSURANCE CO we have nothing more than legalized EXTORTION by Insurance giants. This rich will have all & the poor will lay dying! or worse, start killing….crime will win!
    D U H!

  7. Capitalism is capitalism, and socialism is socialism. Now currently buying a kidney is illegal under our capitalist system, and buying a kidney, or anything else for that matter, has nothing to do with the concept of capitalism. It’s all about paying for services rendered. So I’m not quite sure where you were going with that, but you’re wrong.

  8. Guys, can we please keep this website clear of political discussion? Republicans will always think Democrats are stupid and vice versa, and capitalist supporters will always shun socialist ideas, and vice versa. It doesn’t matter who is right, who is logical, who is caring, and who is wrong. The best thing to do is for everyone to agree to disagree, and leave it at that. We have our opinions and will likely never change them. There’s no point arguing about something which will never be settled.

  9. Socialism. Hmm, when the state takes control of something for the national good using tax payers money to even out the burden.

    Hmm, I guess the US military is socialism.

    Not arguing, just an observation.

  10. We already have several socialist programs which no one since to have a problem with – specially those who oppose socialism….hypocrisy?

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