You can now add an image to your comment

I’ve added a plugin that will allow readers to add a picture to their comments.  At the bottom of the comment window is a Browse button.  Click on it to locate the picture you want to send. Type your comment and press the Submit Comment button.  It will display a thumbnail picture of your image with your comment.   Click that thumbnail image to see the picture.

Browse button

Here are some guidelines:

  • JPEG format pictures only
  • No larger than 100K in size
  • PG (or better) rated (If you have something questionable send it to me by gmail)
  • Keep them related to the content of the post unless it’s an Open Mic post

Let’s see how this goes for a trial period.  If it gets out of hand I’ll stop it. 

I’ve added a picture to the first comment so you can see how they look.


51 thoughts on “You can now add an image to your comment”

  1. That’s a great pic Joe#2!

    As far as the idea goes, it’s awesome. I’m just scared because everything on the internet gets out of hand.

  2. First I didnt see the pictures you sent until I clicked on them, but now its working:)
    Now the only thing I dont see is my previous comment:-p

  3. Revrick – My horses are both Spotted Saddle Horses. The one in the rear (Kody) is classified as a pony. My wife uses Marty in Extreme Trail Challenge events.

  4. A few of you aren’t adhering to the 100K file size limit. Either you have no idea what that means or you don’t care. I have reduced the size of pictures from DJ, Mike F and heehee which were too big.
    You can use most graphic programs to reduce the size of pictures. There are also some online photo resizers too.
    Work with me folks.

  5. Richard, may I steal, I mean save as a reference your horse picture. I’m always looking for something to draw. Here is the only one of a horse I have.

  6. Richard, that’s what kind of threw me. I was in one of the Sunday morning chats with someone that said they raised Paso Finos and I sure didn’t think yours looked like any I’d ever owned. I don’t remember who I was talking with (Sander maybe?) I raised Pasos and Saddlebred years ago. If you ever get a chance, throw a leg over a Paso. They may look different when they move, but you’ll never find a smoother ride.
    BTW, here’s a shot of what I call Ky’s Katrina. This is the ice storm that pretty much shut down the state last spring.

  7. Rev, you and I were talking about Pasos a couple months ago. My wife and I have three, Rayo, Cuatro De Marzo, and Celtic Mist (aka Chica). You are right about the ride…Cadillac smooth.

  8. Sorry, Gary, I was drawing a blank. My last one was ‘El Diablo Borracho’, the Drunken Devil. When he was first born, he had the wobbles (rear legs didn’t work right) and he stumbled around like a drunk. He grew out of it into a great horse. He’s the only one I’ve ever broken myself. It’s amazing how easy it is to break a Paso. I was expecting him to go all Rodeo on me, but a few minutes of sitting under the saddle, and a few sideways hops and it was pretty much done.

  9. tehobu – You are welcomed to use the pic. Let me see your artwork after you finish.
    Revrick – I am very familiar with Paso Fino’s. I have two neighbors that have them.


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