7 thoughts on “Up, Up and away”

  1. If it had landed anywhere round here, it wouldn’t have been there when she got back to her balloons. They’d have the milk out your tea they would !

  2. Reminds me of the old model rocket that Estes made–it had a 110 camera in the nosecone. When the nosecone popped to allow the parachute to unfold, it would take a picture.

    A friend of mine had one and only fired the rocket a couple of times, but did not get any cool photos.

  3. Tim, I had one of those rockets. I launched it at my grandparent’s farm a few times, hoping to get a shot of their house/buildings. Once I got the pictures developed I found I had an excellent picture… of the farmhouse down the road a bit.

  4. Lol, I think it’s even funnier to see them have to resort to calling 911 to get them to take the thing out of the tree.

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