I could think of many other ways to teach my parents a lesson that does not involve me becoming a contestant for the Darwin Awards.
saw it in the news,he wont have to worry about getting babes now
Does this mean that he will now have to get permission to marry a man?
That musta been hard. Very tough thing. It took balls. He sure gave his parents the shaft.
Was this the Egyptian version of a circumcision?
I could think of many other ways to teach my parents a lesson that does not involve me becoming a contestant for the Darwin Awards.
Richard…no, but you were close. It’s a beHEADing.
well! That’ll show ’em, eh?
similar to cutting of one’s nose to spite their face.
At least he had the presence of mind to sterilize the knife first! Or cauterize himself.
Well, if they ever remake Ghostbusters, he’s a shoe-in for the role of Walter Peck from the EPA!