Miss Cellania celebrates 4th blogiversary

Miss C2The incomparable Miss Cellania is celebrating the 4th blogiversary of her site MissCellania.com.  

She also writes for sites like Neatorama, YesButNoButYes, Mental Floss and Geeks Are Sexy.  And she gets paid to do that. (What am I doing wrong?)

She was also featured on ABC TV News.

 If it weren’t for her site and ones like it, B&P might not be here.  She just passed the 2 million hit mark also. 

She’s one of my favorites.  Congratulations Miss Cellania!

14 thoughts on “Miss Cellania celebrates 4th blogiversary”

  1. I always head to her site as soon as I bail out of here. It’s another great site that the teenage a$$holes haven’t ruined with their comments.

  2. Gratz Miss C,
    Mind you, my blog has been going a lot longer. In the six+ years it’s been there I must have posted at least sixty or even seventy times(!), amassing in the process several dozen hits. Impressive, isn’t it?
    I’m officially a dotcom Nillionnaire. And that’s no typo.

    • It didn’t take long to do. I had to shrink the glasses a little and rotate them a little. I use Paint Shop Pro Photo. I’m don’t know how to do everything with it, but I figured this out.


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