Why is it…

Why is it…. if you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor……

but if you cross the U.S. border illegally, you get a driver’s license, Social Security card, and free health care?

Whose bright idea was this?

Thanks Tommy Salami


37 thoughts on “Why is it…”

  1. “If you build it, HE will come.”

    Got to have Slick Willie to get you out of it, I guess.

    Bad to talk politics, I’m sorry.

  2. Yeah, right! The US should REALLY try to emulate North Korea! Has it come down to the lowest common denominator, here? In North Korea, you can be sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for just disagreeing with the leader of the country. Should we put that into effect, too? It would sure surprise some of the wing-nuts who have been speaking out at the health-care debates to end up in jail like that.
    Oh, damn, you got me arguing politics, and I really shouldn’t let that get started….
    But I have already typed this and it felt so good to let some of it go! So, here goes the post.

  3. And you also get a lot of people who will do your lawn for five bucks, take care of your children for less than minimal wage, clean up the supermarket floor, and a lot of ‘low class’ jobs most american people will refuse to do.

  4. And a lot of jobs taken away from Americans and sold overseas to India and China, so it all kinda evens out, don’t you think? Well it still kinda leaves the American people screwed over, doesn’t it?

  5. i guess that feeling goes to those that willingly crossed the border illegally… now, whats the feeling towards the children of such people?

    the children that end up growing up and knowing nothing more than life in the US, should they be treated the same way as their parents?

  6. i seriously dont understand… didnt the pilgrims migrate to america as well? and dont tell me its different cause the only people who can complain are native americans.
    white men steal their land and call it manifest destiny.
    we also take all the jobs many ‘americans’ dont want to do. we are the real ones running this place

  7. they are still here illegally,thats all that needs to be said,forget the lovey dovey liberal bullsh*t and send them back or if you want them here you pay for them

  8. @Patoloco

    “take care of your children for less than minimal wage”
    Where do you get that price? Is there like a certain area I should look? I got twins so typically am charged double. Could definitely use a person to watch them for less then minimum.

  9. Who are the original “illegal aliens”? That would be white people of European descent. The history of America, as written through white European eyes, is considerably different than the history of this country if it had been written by the Algonquians, or the Caddos, or the Wichitas, or the Taos, or the Secotans, or the Mandoags, or the Seminoles, or the Utes, or any of the other hundreds of others who were already here when the Europeans invaded. There were hundreds of tribes of indigenous people already living on this continent. So, since the original Europeans were illegal aliens, they–and everyone who followed them, should have to leave. Including, Infi, you and me.

  10. What most people don’t “get” is that a lot of the illegal aliens are paying taxes and social security into accounts that are not theirs. They feed billions into the federal government each year and the feds just “swallow” all that money and do who knows what with it. Where does the money they pay into a fake social security number go? Who keeps it? What do they do with it?

    Would you kill the golden goose too? I don’t know if I would. It’s a huge source of revenue that most didn’t even know existed. The politicians don’t send them back because it’s a conflict of interest. Washington is getting free money.

  11. JD
    Really? There were no borders or official countries in Europe when those people began leaving there to settle here? I think, you know, history says otherwise. Wait a minute, I think I get your point. Since there was no USA, Mexico or Canada, which would be your “borders or official countries set up yet” on this continent, that means it was OK for white Europeans to settle here and do what they did. After all, in your thinking, what’s the difference between the pesky red skinned people who were already here and the pesky brown skinned citizens who want to come here?

  12. The native americans hunted the mammoths to extiction, leading to the disapperance of the saber-toothed tiger. Those animals were here first. These horrific acts have brought shame to all their future generations (according to Paul’s philosophy). They should have left long before the Euopeans even arrived!

  13. after 12 years in prison they would have at least learned the language cant say that about illegals that have been here twice that long

  14. Walls and borders will not matter in the future – over population and limited resources = dire consequences….just imagine 7 billion people eating, polluting and reproducing without limitations…

  15. You guys don’t actually think that we can buy a whole chicken sandwich or double cheeseburger by paying fair living wages do you? We all indirectly benefit from cheap labor, even if we don’t directly hire an illegal to watch our kids or mow our lawns. For example, 15% of construction workers are illegals. You don’t think your house would be that cheap to construct if they used union construction workers, do you?

    While in a perfect world, we shouldn’t have illegals, I’m more against lazy ass people than I am of illegals who want to work. Before we ship out illegals, let’s ship out all the lazy ass welfare recipients first.

  16. There is a reason they are called ILLEGAL aliens. We should enforce the immigration laws that are on the books currently, then determine if anything needs to change. They do jobs Americans refuse to do? What, with our geniuses in Washington causing the unemployment to go up (I think here in Illinois, it is about 11%), there are jobs Americans will still not do? Prove it.

    Sander – I agree with your thoughts on lazy people. We should change welfare so that it is temporary and provides some job training; if someone still refuses to get a job, they can suffer. And if we get rid of the illegal aliens, there just may be plenty of jobs for them to choose from–not the cushiest or highest-paid jobs, but something they can start in and then move up.

  17. We all talk big here. But for those that are opposed to immigration would you say it to there faces? Would you go up to a 6 year old mexican girl and ask her to go back home to a country ruled by a corrupt government drug lords and poverty? Would you tell her that the wealthest country on the planet cant afford her little school lunch program?

    As for you pro-immigration groups. Are you any more brave? Would you like to live in an area where the emergency rooms have horrible delays, where drug runners go through your property to peddle there cocaine? how about a relative of a person lost in 9-11 would you like to tell them how it really is no big deal if there are a few illegals around? Or live in a city (like denver) where the entire american culture seems to be wiped out in a demographic wave?

    As I said its easy to talk big online but who can do it in the real world?

    “Mayor Vaughn: Martin, it’s all psychological. You yell barracuda, everybody says, “Huh? What?” You yell illegal alien, we’ve got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July.”

  18. isiah- american culture? have you noticed that americans dont have a culture?
    ill just let you think about that

    just look at joe #2’s comment… that shit is scary.

  19. The comparison with North Korea is odious…as if we should emulate their standards. I would hope that most of us would be more decent people
    than that and would want to help those who truly wish to better their lives, as long as they abide by our rule of law as well and make an attempt to adapt to our culture and learn our language.

  20. For your consideration: – Do you lock your doors? Do you lock your cars? If someone were in your car or house, would you be upset and would you want them out? Or would you just let them eat your food and sit around the house because they’re vacuuming the place and you really don’t like vacuuming? Would you be upset if they moved in and authorities would not remove them?
    Why is it different if it’s your personal property rather than public property? In other words, if you lock your house, why shouldn’t we lock the border? If you would throw someone out of your house, why shouldn’t we throw someone out of the country? Perhaps you have friends that are free to enter your home. They probably went through some type of ‘processs’ to become your friend. Why shouldn’t other strangers go through the same ‘process’? Why should they immediately become your friend ahead of everyone else that has wanted to become your friend.
    Just because years ago, someone else owned my house and let folks in, that doesn’t mean I’m required to. There are laws, provenance, and other changes. We are not responsible for the ‘sins of our fathers.’
    However, I definitely understand. As a father, I would do and have done anything I could to get my family in a ‘better’ place. I’d take the risk to give them the American dream. With that said, I’d also work to learn the language, educate my family, support the culture, and pursue a path to LEGAL citizenship. You may say but they’re illegal and have to stay under the radar. There are churches, volunteer organizations, and other facilities that can help if someone’s truly interested in pursuing citizenship.
    Although ‘comprehensive reform’ may provide a path to citizenship, it should not be granted merely by years of undetected attendence. Prove you want to stay and contribute or hit the road. Face it, we aren’t deporting illegal aliens with multiple DUI’s, felony arrests, etc. Why would we deport a family trying to better themselves and join society.
    As far as the children? Good parents will be doing things and looking out for them and taking these right steps toward citizenship. Bad parents…well, that’s for a different discussion. I definitely don’t suffer ‘bad parents’ very well…
    Does this sound heartless? Does it sound selfish? Perhaps. But look at your children, your grandchildren, or your own future and see where we stand if we don’t take a stand and address a gaping hole. Ignoring the problem doesn’t solve it.

  21. BTW, Darling Companion and I saw an adorable little Mexican boy the other day and she said, “Oooohhhh, let’s adopt one.” (DC always goes ga-ga over babies). My daughter’s boyfriend said “Yeah, you can teach him to mow your lawn by 5.”
    We might keep this boy around just for the humor…

  22. Another point to ponder…

    If the illegals aren’t living here doing the work, just how many of those jobs would be shipped overseas instead? Don’t think that big businesses here would increase the wages to the point where it would motivate the lazy asses we have here in the States to actually work. They would just as soon ship out those jobs elsewhere. Be thankful that the jobs are still here in the US and that the illegals are here instead of there. At least there’s some money going back into the system being that they still eat, they still buy gas, they still pay rent, they still go to churches, etc. There’s at least some money making its way back into our local economy. Which is a lot better than just shipping out the jobs to Mexico in the first place.

  23. @el Vargus

    A. If you are going to be anti-american stay out of a debate about american politics.
    B. The only people who say things like that are people who have either never actually traveled this country, have an idealogical bent that refuses to allow them to see anything but what they want to see, or they simply do not understand what the word culture means.

  24. I think it’s great that illegal immigrants are that determined to come here to provide for themselves and their families. There are a lot of Americans who could maybe learn from that. How many American men, when times got hard, would be willing to cross a dangerous border with risk of being shot and then work for very little in a new country where they don’t speak the native language and everybody hates them, just to provide? Very few, and this recent economic downturn has proved it, with everybody pointing their fingers at the government and corporations because they themselves were too stupid to invest money in them, hoping to make money by not having to work for it. And when you can’t make money by not working that way, you have welfare, another way to get money without working. And boy, do we take advantage of that here!

  25. Gandhi from India once said: “India is a 3rd world economy, because it exports raw materials and imports finished goods.” Recent data from the Port of L.A. confirm this. Port records show that we ship $1 bil worth of goods to China, and China sends $80 bil worth of goods to U.S. Now the goods we send to them through this port is primarily “cow hides, & scrap metal”, while the goods we get from China include: Computers, TV’s, leather coats, shoes, appliances, etc. By this definition America has become a defacto 3rd world country. With $12 trillion in debt now, and another $9 trillion to go via Obama, plus $52 trillion in credit default swaps that fueled our once booming economy left to unwind, we have no where to go, but to the bottom. This recession will not end. Looming on the future are: Marshall Law, Shortages, Forced National Service, and much more. We have been sold a bill of lies by the liberal left, who have brain washed our children, and caused us to lose our faith in the God of our fathers. Now we must chose our path and whom we will serve, the God of our Fathers, or the God of this world. I hope it’s not too late.


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