Sunday open mic – Favorite sites

PC open mic2Larry suggested that on the next open mic we ask the readers to submit 3 of their favorite bookmarks (websites) for the rest of us to check out.  Sounds good to me.  But here are a couple of rules: 

    1) Don’t post Bits & Pieces or Bits of Wisdom.  
    2) You can’t post something that someone has already posted.

You can also talk about anything else you want.

Stand up close and type real clearly.

74 thoughts on “Sunday open mic – Favorite sites”

  1. You mean I have to read all the comments before mine to make sure I’m not repeating one? That seems like a lot of trouble!

    Oh, there aren’t any.

    OK, I have a couple of HUNDRED sites bookmarked, so here are three random ones.

    ScienceBlogs may be cheating, since there are dozen of bloggers posting under that tent. So If someone has a particular ScienceBlog author link, that wouldn’t be a repeat.

  2. open for your edification, Richard! (DJ, you too) no, not what you’re thinking a fascinating pictorial of current events around the world. no political bias, either. sorry, couldn’t resist breaking the Rule of $

    have to work, have fun today y’all

  3. eatliver com
    rushlimbaugh com
    27bslash6 com – home of the famous spider drawing for overdue bill payment. If you’ve never seen it, you’ll laugh your butt off.
    anncoulter com – I added that one for free. Just for you Paul in Boca!

  4. rushlimbaugh com
    eatliver com
    27bslash6 com – home of the famous spider drawing in lieu of late payment. an internet classic! Not a lot on the site, but his other stuff is pretty funny too.
    anncoulter com – I threw in an extra one for free just for Paul in Boca!

  5. rushlimbaugh dotcom
    27bslash6 dotcom home of the spider drawing in liue of late payment dialogue. a true internet classic. Not a lot on this site, but what is there is pretty funny.
    eatliver dotcom
    anncoulter dotcom I threw this one extra in just for Paul in Boca!

  6. (I know, seems kinda Girlymannish, but if you like food and want ideas for when the resident wife/cook is on strike, this is it.) (when you can’t find that book anywhere else)

  7. “ a fascinating pictorial of current events around the world. no political bias, either.”

    Paul, surely you jest about the no political bias part.

  8. Paul – Nice try but bagnews is politically biased. For example, they run photos of Arlen “Flip Flop” Spector in a town meeting hall with an explanation that he did not get shouted down by the crowd. I’ve seen the actual video and he sure as heck was not in control of the meeting. He repeated his mantra of “Just a minute” at least twelve times to the senior citizen who was trying to speak, with security guards hovering around him. They would have been more honest if they had run the video or a transcript of the event.


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