8 thoughts on “How a hurricane is born”

  1. So a little girl in Africa killed George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg in A Perfect Storm? I would like to thank her.

  2. Not to get too techno, but not all hurricanes are generated in Africa. Some start out a lot closer to the Antilles and are more unpredictable.

  3. hurricanes also develop in the Gulf of Mexico and many develop in the Pacific. As someone who is currently drying out from Hurricane Felicia and keeping an eye to Guillermo, it’s the ones in the Pacific that make me antsy

    /Have been in 4 Atlantic storms, 1 Gulf of Mexico, and 1 Pacific Ocean

  4. DJ – you think that’s bad, my husband has been hit by three storms starting with ‘I’: Isabel, Ivan, and Irene… we thought we were in the clear for Irene (we were in Texas and it was in the Atlantic) but he had to go East for a family funeral and ended up getting nipped while he was there. Makes me weary every time the ‘I’ storms come alive. 🙂

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