As talked about I’ve created a new website. It’s Bits of Wisdom. and it’s located at
It doesn’t have too many posts on it but it’ll grow. I’m sure I won’t post as many things to it every day, but I hope to add something almost every day.
The stuff you’ll find on Bits of Wisdom will be things that one might gain some knowledge from or learn a coping skill or just a clever quote that makes a difference to someone. There will be a little humor too, but nothing too risque. I’d like for it to be more family friendly.
I’m hoping the loyal readers of B&P will contribute stories, quoted or advice to the site.
It still needs quite a bit of work before I’ll feel it’s suitable. I’ve created a few header logos that will appear randomly when the page loads. I really don’t have a particular style in mind for the header, so if anyone wants to create one to add to the mix, I’d appreciate it. the size is 150 pixels by 1440 pixels. The content needs to be centered in that space and not go wall to wall.
Also, I’m not sure that the tagline will stay what it is now, but maybe.
Anyway, wander on over to Bits of Wisdom and take a look. I’m open to suggestions from you guys. Send any ideas to [email protected]
Thanks for always being there!
Jonco, do you plan on using a different skin for that site? I’m thinking something more serene than a plain white look.
I’m not sure I can change just that part. I’m using the Atahualpa theme. I don’t want to change themes, but if I can change the background color I might consider that. I just haven’t gotten that far into it yet.
Been and seen! Looking good over there so far!!
I dont know if i approve of this idea Jonco. First it was Bits & pieces then it was Bits & pieces stuff, now its Bits of wisdom, soon you will have another Bits. Maybe Bits of advice for the elderly, then a Bits for women, for men, a Bits for animal lovers, a Bits for infidels. In short you will become a chicken soup for the ____ soul. Signs will be everywhere along highways and in magazines. ADs placed in movies on television. Having lunch in the white house garden hitting on our sexy first lady, and sailing in the south of france. A religion, a loyal large group of followers. And after the religion a godhead. An Emperor! Where does it end man? Will we all have to cower from your rage? Will you rule us like an enlightened despot or a ruthless stalin-like thug? Should I join the winning team now? Become a legionary in your unstoppable army eventually granting me a governorship in some small province in your mighty empire?
Will your empire be formed in sand, granite, iron, or blood? Will you liberate the proletariat, or will stand for the liberty and decency of all men? Will your empire send your people to the stars or into the ashcan of history?
You can see why i am unsure about this, there are too many questions.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Jonco, yes you can change just bits and pieces of the formatting as you wish. In your admin panel, under the appearance tab on the left, there’s an option called EDITOR. In there, you can change things. However, I wouldn’t recommend you go changing unless you’re sure you know what you’re changing. LOL!
You’re just wrong. It would have to be Big Bits for Infidel. Everything else is OK thought. But, I won’t forget the little people that made it happen. See you at the Big Ass BBQ.
Where’s my invitation to the Big Ass BBQ?
I have another website under my “Daily Reads” tab–thanks Jonco!
Jonco – When you become a Bit of a world Emperor, make sure you have isiah among the advisors in your Fortress of Bits of Power.
Just to keep an eye on him, ya know what I’m sayin’?
I hear ya Deej.
Sander, of course everyone here is invited to The Bigass BBQ. It is gonna happen on 9.12.2009. Bring your own Meat and booze, a POTluck kind of thing. We are still trying to decide what underpass to have it under. Any ideas?
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
You need to put a link somewhere at the top of B&P to get there, and vise versa.
9/12? I think I’ll already be in STL the weekend before. Don’t know if I can make it out two weekends in a row.
Sander, I believe KLAW is pulling your leg. Jonco mentioned that it will probably be next summer.
Dammit KLAW, remind me to kick yer ass at the Big Ass BBQ next summer! 🙂
Maybe KLAW is having his own Big Ass BBQ. If he is, I haven’t received my invitation yet. Or, maybe I’m not invited. When we have our Big Ass BBQ we’ll have to call it the “Official” Big Ass BBQ. Sanctioned by the Big Ass himself.
LOL Jonco.
It would then be called The No Ass BBQ. Thanks for all the kind words and threats. 🙂 🙂
Whoever is in the area on the 12th, swing by for a bigass Rib Fest.