Inside the head of a killer

 A look inside the head of George Sodini, the man who walked into the LA Fitness center in Pennsylvania and blasted his name into the history books.

Here are his blog postings for the last year or so.

Below are two YouTube videos he made.

I don’t know how long this stuff will remain up.

 A tour of his house

Hiding his emotions

29 thoughts on “Inside the head of a killer”

  1. I say we don’t even give him the attention in death that he felt he deserved in life. He deserves nothing. His victims deserve a lot better than that!

  2. He deserved what he got, treatment for a severe lead deficiency. I’m sorry that it took killing others for him to find the nerve to do himself.

  3. I guess it’s is a good thing that I can’t in a million years fathom killing innocent people before you kill yourself. I think it must be some kind of attention-whoring thing, just like eyeball said^.
    This was horrible, but it could have been a whole lot worse.

  4. Weirdest thing? The book on the table “date young women”. CREEPY.

    So so sad to have a loss of life to someone so clearly troubled.
    What an idiot.

    Just go down in your cellar that you refinished in your VERY expensive $79,000 mansion and kill yourself. Why the hell take others with you?


  5. you see that video and the virginia tech crazy, the differences aren’t large, almost the same person at different points of their lives and slightly decreased level of psychosis. have to wonder how he hid that level of crazy for 48 years. the virginia tech guy people knew about/recognized and the system failed. this guy? obviously functionally successful in society to fund the lifestyle… how many of these freaks are out there? that’s the scary part.

  6. I don’t get the purpose of this particular post. We mostly come here for humor and entertainment, along with good natured ribbing and some serious discussions of the flavor of the day. Perhaps this incident qualified as FOTD, but jeez, I’m sorry to say that this makes me feel kind of hinky. Unless, of course, this it the type of post we will read on B&P Part Two?

  7. Eerie. Even the videos show a man so tensely wound that he threatens to spring off the screen and into the viewer’s lap. His speech patterns are clipped, staccato-like; his jaw muscles are tensed, his words indicate he’s been rejected many times and does not understand why, his body language like that of a cornered cat.

    Like Kelly said, how many more are out there? Why aren’t people noticing them until it is too late?

  8. Paul,
    As I’ve always said I post things I find funny or interesting in one way or another. Of course it usually leans towards humor. But I found this interesting. To kind of see what goes on in the mind of someone who would do something so horrendous is a little bit fascinating. At least to me. This isn’t what you’ll find on the new website either. Neither will there be the humor that there is here.

  9. Thanks for the explanation, I forgot that you also post things that interest you. My apologies. But I have to ask, if you’re going to allow comments on the new site, what will prevent them from degenerating into humor? 🙂

  10. Jon,

    I’m not particularly happy you choose to broadcast this moron, but at the same time, it does give us readers some insight into the life of a loser. I understand a little better his insanity, inasmuch as I can, and maybe other people out there, when they see this sort of behavior in other people can pull out a large stick and beat them to death before they can hurt innocent people. Well, maybe just kneecap them.

    That’s one weird dude. You just had to see this coming from someone like him.

  11. Richard,
    What I was wondering is that since Jonco doesn’t want to have humor on the new site, if he enables comments, there’s really no way to prevent said comments from sliding down the slippery slope from serious to stupid. Kind of like here, when an innocuous post about something silly becomes a left versus right wrong diatribe. You betcha!

  12. I probably wouldn’t have read the guy’s blog if Jonco didn’t put the link up there. That was some crazy stuff and all the while he fooled everybody. No one knew what he was going through and he was about to do.

  13. Beware Jonco, I’ll try my hardest to slip in a comment that could be taken either way at the new site. Nah, just kidding.

  14. You know, I half expected to see a dozen cats wandering around his place.

    He is obviously lacking some serious social skills.

  15. I’m sorry, but I didn’t watch the videos or read the blogs of this sick bastard. He didn’t deserve my time. If others want to watch and read the rantings of this former-lunatic, that’s fine. I chose not to, that’s all.

  16. Mike,
    I don’t know that you can see it coming from a guy like this… unless you read his blog. There are a lot of people who are weirder than this guy and they do commit mass murder. They just stay weird. I don’t know why I find stuff like this interesting. Maybe it’s the same reason people stop and watch at a serious auto accident scene.
    This guy had a lot going for him and it’s a shame he couldn’t find a way to get some help. I know people will disagree completely with me, but I always feel a little sorry for people like that.

  17. The big difference here Jon is you and I can disagree without there being any sort of anger involved. Moreover, while I do not always agree with what you’ve posted, or why, I totally respect your right as the webmaster to do what you damn well please. I can’t understand these people that go off the deep end getting insulted by something you’ve done, and then they just have to stick around and tell you about it, and they still do not leave.

    Socialization is about learning to live with people you disagree with, not finding some sort of bobble headed doll that goes into action anytime you say something.

    I just do not understand this guy. I just do not get it at all.

  18. My couch and chair match too, so if any of you B&P girls want to save me from becoming a bad headline, you’re welcome to view all my junk down there.

  19. Gary,
    The term you are looking for is “high velocity lead therapy”, and is a quite fitting treatment. As you said, it’s too bad he took other before taking his own life. Just shows you what a chicken shit he really was.

  20. Pretty cozy place he has there. I bet I can buy it now for half of his buying price of $79,000 in 1996.

  21. Hey Jonco, I just wanted to pipe in with my two cents, I found this interesting, and I understand why you’d post it. Obviously no-one realized what he’d do beforehand, but watching those clips and knowing what came later, you can’t help but feel like they they should have been subtitled with him screaming out for help or attention. My uncle the cop used to always say that murder-suicides did it backwards and I wholly agree, there’s no way a wackjob like this could have ever been made safe to have around, but if we can see what lead him there, maybe we can help spot and help others before they get to this point.

    Thanks for the post.

  22. Jonco,

    Thanks for posting this. I had a nephew commit suicide a couple of years ago. He didn’t take anyone else with him, he just shot himself. Reading this guy’s blog really gave me some insight into the pain my nephew must have been feeling. Some people are given a hard road.

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