22 thoughts on “Poopy Time Fun Shapes”

  1. if they made that in adult sizes they could use that as entertainment in nursing homes. Just to give the seniors something to do…..you know they get bored too.

  2. The stuff they feed them they’d never notice, ya know. You’re right, Klaw what a great idea!!

  3. Hold on, vomit brings out more of the color in cake decorating than poop. Imagine, if you will, a star studded meatloaf and green bean chocalate cake freshly iced by your room mate.

  4. Klaw I truly love the way your mind works! you so rock, I wish I were that creative, I tell you what, lets team up. I’ll think up activities, you make them better, you know make ’em poop! Oops I mean pop.

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