Now that Walter Cronkite has passed on, who is now the most trusted newscaster in America? According to this Time poll, it’s The Daily Show’s John Stewart.
Now that Walter Cronkite has passed on, who is now the most trusted newscaster in America? According to this Time poll, it’s The Daily Show’s John Stewart.
Jon Stewart is funny, but that’s scary.
They voted for the President of the most powerful country in the world based on a comedy show.
O.K. This explains why an ahole like Franken could get elected. The poll was really skewed though. Why isn’t there an option for “None of ’em”?
he’s not a newscaster – he’s ca comedian..
I never said that he was a newscaster, although he did that seldom-listened-to show on the defunct Air America.
What’s scary is that traditional newscasting is at the mercy of the status quo, and that we need to rely on those whose profits aren’t dictated by what a CEO, market segment, or special interest group deems as the truth.
I like Jon Stewart because he’s funny, intelligent, courageous, like-minded, and is willing to step on toes to report what he sees as truth to the best of his ability.
No one is unbiased, I will settle for honesty and a sense of humor.
I hope our enemies don’t find out about this.
Jonco J. Jonco at the B&P Network.
Sad commentary about our society.
What a trainwreck Katie Couric turned out to be. Once cute, giggly, leggy, and loved by all, to dour, uncomfortable party hack reading the daily manifesto at the make-it-up news network.
DJ – Forget the leggy part. Katie is only about 5′ 3″ (matchs her brain). What an embarassment to real journalists.
I don’t know how long they were, but back on the Today Show she sure wanted us to know they went all the way up.
What’s up in Iowa? She must have family there!
Daniel thats exactly whats wrong with this country. He is a comedian, portraying a newscaster. I like Jon Stewart, he is funny. But if you really pay atention he edits his clips to fit the point he is trying to make. Its not accurate news. Im not taking anything away from the daiy show. But Jon leans way left, the same way most all shows and News programs do. I wish there was a NEW OUTLET……Not primetime shows from 7-11pm. Everyone of the channels now want o give you news with there perspective. Thats why NBC, ABC, and CBS are losing there credibility. Pnly half the population is tuning in anymore because they slant the news in a manner that helps get THERE point across. I get my news from several different sources. News as we used to know it is dead. You saw it with this last elcection. All the news channels where in the Obama camp. He has hired a slew of them to work in the white house !!! Its sad really. I dont believe any thing I hear anymore, unless I verify it sing several different sources…..That was way to serious…lol….Sorry ! ;o)
John Stewart won because he makes fun of the biased idiots who try to portray the news in whatever way they want. People trust him because there is no BS. There is no leaning to the right and no leaning to the left. He just pokes fun of those who try to dress up the news to serve their purpose. There is nothing wrong with this country. The problem (if you want to call it that) is that there are 44% of people who are more perceptive than not.
Seriously, if you think Fox News should be the authority out there then you need your head examined. Perfect example why nobody trusts any news caster from the big networks. Because the big networks are going to lean in the direction the owners want them to lean towards. And that’s how generation after generation of brainwashed simpletons are created. By watching what their parents have watched for generations. Biased crap.
Think for yourself. Good for you John Stewart. Hope you win next year again.
Far as I’m concerned, the last real journalist was Peter Jennings. Maybe we need another Canadian to take a seat at one of the networks. Hey Bella, you doing anything?
Journalism died with Tim Russert. Brian Williams and the rest are jokes. Even the President makes jokes about it. Jon Stewart is funny and intelligent but is as left-leaning as the rest.
LOL at Duuude! You are joking, right? Jon Stewart may not always toe the party line, but he is most certainly a blatant liberal. To suggest that a comedian who had a show on Air America, a network that failed because they were too ridiculously biased to even be a useful news outlet, isn’t left leaning is just plain ludicrous. Also, no one suggested Fox News was unbiased – it is clearly a conservative-based network, though an attempt at even handedness is usually made. I’d say CNN also makes that attempt. MSNBC is just plain pathetic.
Jon Stewart makes fun of people when he disagrees with them, which I don’t have a problem with. However, suggesting that his lampooning of a variety of people indicates a lack of political bias in his broadcasts is laughable and dishonest.
You guys ever see Jon Stewart on Crossfire? He made the point himself that he is a comedian. The problem is less that an entertainment show has something to do with the news, than that the news is trying to be entertainment. Frankly, no matter who’se on, left or right, they’re almost all blowhards. I don’t want entertainment folks, I want facts.
Wow – people still watch the news. I will have to find a payphone and call my Mom to let her know.