What is your favorite computer program?

What program do you enjoy using the most?  Not the program you use the most.  I know you might have to use a particular program for your work, but I’m asking what program do you really like using?  Let’s not include games here either.  That could be a different question.  We’re talking about productivity software – programs that help you get stuff done.

Excel logoMy favorite is Microsoft Excel.  I really enjoy making it do things to help me be more productive on projects.  I’ve written several applications in Excel including, databases, payroll, accounts receivable and many others.  I’m certainly not an expert on it, but I’ve managed to create some fairly complex (for me anyway) applications using macros and some pretty neat formatting.

I still use the Excel 2003 version.  I have the Excel 2007 version, but I’m not comfortable using the new ribbon interface, but maybe someday I’ll delve into it.  I just need to learn it.

If you use Excel, which version do you use?

36 thoughts on “What is your favorite computer program?”

  1. Picasa. (photo management)…..the comedy is I am a Photoshop wiz, and a professional photog…but Picasa has such a logical ease of use for importing, catagorizing and even simple editing. It just does everything RIGHT. I can use it, my grandma can use it…and my 8 yr old kid can use it.

    Oh and its FREE.

  2. My favorite is Google chrome, it is by far the fastest browser… as for excel, I like using it, I may not be an expert, but i use it for advanced accounting and bookkeeping. at work i have 2003, at home i run the 07 version, i like both, seem to find formatting easier in the 07 version, while formulas are convenient in both versions.

  3. Boxee (media center/streaming program) it’s a great way to waste time.
    As far as Excel goes, the 2007 version has macro issues and doesn’t work as well with the VB editor. Most folks who use excel frequently choose to downgrade from office 07 to office 03.

  4. I am right there with you on Excel. I really like the 2003 version, but everyone in my office just switched to 07 and I am getting used to it.

  5. Not sure if it counts but BASH would be my pick. Shell scripts are too much fun. If BASH doesnt count i would say Alpine. There is something so geeky about using it.

  6. Definitely Firefox, very versatile and since all the apps I use are online it’s the only interface I need.

    As for Excel: currently Excel 2010 Technical Preview, which I have to say is very impressive, feels faster and has some really nice features. Microsoft is getting more and more intuitive with every release..

  7. I’d have to say Quicken, with Excel a close second. Whenever I open up Quicken I get a bit of pride in knowing it’s helped me keep my checkbook balanced since 1997, something I had a lot of trouble with prior to that. I now track all sort of accounts, do charts, budgets, tax preparation, sync with banks online, make payments directly from the software, and can even print checks from it (but I don’t do that much anymore). It’s just so neat to see everything all lined up there.

    As for Excel, I use 2003 at work, 2007 at home, and find it’s not too bad switching between them. The 2007 features are starting to grow on me.

  8. Photoshop first and foremost. I love it. I use it for work, for home, for fun.
    I make brochures, flyers and posters for print, images, banners and manipulations for websites, tutorials for my own website, greetings cards, business cards and postcards, all within one amazing package.
    It’s a piece of software that just never stops giving – when you reach a point where you think “it would be great if you could…” it usually turns out that, with Photoshop, you can. When taken as part of a suite you then have outrageous amounts of power.
    Second would be RealVNC, which allows me to remotely administer over 200 PCs at work without moving my fat arse from my desk, and Teamviewer, which lets me do the same for my friends when I am at home.

  9. MS Publisher. I cut my teeth on PFS First Publisher in the late 80’s, then was loaned MS Publisher V 1 and have worked my way through the versions, so I’m pretty experienced with it.

  10. Currently using Google SketchUp to draw renovations for my wife’s new office. Not exactly the best CAD program, but for free it gets the job done.

  11. I’ve used Excel since it came out, but I don’t get too sophisticated with it these days. Before Excel I used Lotus Symphony, Lotus 1-2-3 and before that VisiCalc on Apple IIs. I also used Foresight on mainframes. Been spreadsheeting since I got out of college in the 70s. At one point I had a Lotus Symphony macro application that ran all day to download statistics, analyze and graph them all without intervention. These days it’s just basic number crunching to see if my business will survive. Use Excel 2003 still.

  12. Adobe Photoshop for photo editing and Cool Edit for sound editing. I like to play with Acid Pro for making silly things, like a sound file of a woman maoning with some classic 70’s porn music and a variety of animals everynow and then. I changed the Windows Startup music to that file on the wife’s computer. She didn’t find it as funny as I did. If I remember I’ll upload it and post a link to it in here when I get home.

  13. I use Excel ever since it’s first version, but this year I bit the bullet and tried 2007. Took a week but never looked back. Now upgraded to 2010 and it’s great.

    I like Chrome but the only problem is my bookmarks between my work/home pc is not synchronized like in Firefox and sometimes opening some secured pages like in e-banking causes Chrome to log me in 10 seconds. Other than that, Chrome is great.

  14. I really do like Excel, butI wish I had time to learn more about it. I want to make a spreadsheet for pricing replacement windows so I can do in-home pricing for people.

    Who has the time……

  15. Excel 2003 is by far the best. I’m an Analyst who uses it heavily on a daily basis and I can tell you from experience that I hate Excel 2007 for one reason: the ribbon is horrible. And by hate, I mean HATE. I’m a power user, have 3rd party plugins to access external data & even built my own custom toolbar with the shortcuts I use the most. Excel 2007 pretty much gets rid of all of that with no real option to bring it back (although I’ve heard of 3rd party software you can integrate into 2007 to get it looking like 2003, which pretty much defeats the purpose and mind as well just install the older version).

    Microsoft decided to implement the Ribbon because users weren’t aware of all of the available options…but in their infinite wisdom didn’t realize that maybe we were aware of them & don’t use them because we don’t need them.

    I even prefer Excel 2000 to 2007. The only thing I find of value with 2007 is they increased the number of rows from 65,536 to 1 million, but that’s little consolation if I can’t even use the program without having to click 2-5 times now every time I want to do something that was just 1-click away before.

  16. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. I have made computers sing, dance, and do things you can’t even imagine with that application.

    Long Live Microsoft .NET Framework.

  17. Wow – I feel so drab. I love MS Word. 🙂 I was a whiz at 2003, but I’m quickly learning 2007 and appreciating the new ribbon set-up.

  18. God, how could I have forgotten music software? Sony Acid Music Studio 6, Sonic Foundry Soundforge and Reason 3 in that order. Dr DivX and Premiere Elements for video

  19. I love Excell 2003 also. In my last job I had to use it all the time. I loved it because it was like a game – make the most concise and easy to understand spreadsheet that you can. I used it even when I didn’t need to jsut for fun. In my new job I never use it and I have to say, I miss it.

  20. (Delurking a bit)…At work, I must say I LOVE Photoshop CS4 and Flash CS4 – so much more easier to use than the old Flash for banners and such! As for excel…I finally got used to 2007, and must say I really like it now.

  21. Adobe Illustrator. I use it 6-10 hours a day. Photoshop would be second, InDesign third. That’s software that pays my bills.

    As far as “fun” goes, iTunes, big time. I use it at least 12 hours a day, every day. It’s a pretty passive kind of use though.

  22. MSAccess, and MSPaint.net. Quick & Easy ’cause i have little time in my day and my company don’t wanna splurge =P

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