8 thoughts on “Road rage with a crutch”

  1. i use to block the idiots trying to pass my truck on the right during a traffic jam. it is a concept you learn in kindergarten stay in the lines.

  2. I can’t stand people that think they are better than everyone else and feel it’s okay to drive in the break down lane. They also cause more of a traffic jam once they have to merge back in.

  3. you wanna see bad drivers come to Atlanta we have most morons in the U.S.,I have to sit through green lights all the time because some bitch is on the phone,God I wish they would pass the no cellphone law

  4. Godammit, I wanna get up there and f\/ ck everyone else in line.

    Concerning the 2 LEGAL lanes, I’ve been told we got it all wrong in Missouri to merge early to the remaing open lane(s), that it’s fastter to proceed on and then quickly take and give right-of-way at the critical point. Whatever, I can handle either, but I definitely go against what everyone else is doing.

  5. They are just saying “Look, she got out from the jeep with a crutch”, “Record it, record”, “Yeah, i’m recording it on cam”, “Look, she is beating him, oh my god”, “What a retard she is”, “Hehe, nice driver” and some similar stuff.
    This happened on Lithuania, all the Lithuanian nation is laughing now at that retarded woman 🙂

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