5 thoughts on “Potato Gatling Gun”

  1. I built a ‘tater gun (looks like a bazooka) several years ago and am STILL having a ball with it.
    When we go out on the lake and the fish aren’t biting, we pull out the ‘tater gun.
    THIS looks like a hoot &, since I’m retired, I just might build one. However, it being AC,
    I don’t think I’ll be taking it out on the lake much.
    We’ll see how much an inverter will handle.

  2. Seems like a good start, but what’s the point of making it rotate if it doesn’t repeatedly reload and refire?

    You might as well laid down the cannons all in a row. It would have been much easier.

    Figure out how to make it constantly reload and then you’ll have a true gatling potato gun.

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