That reminds me of a story. I was working in a building once, a guy opened the door and yelled “Is the wet vac in here” a mexican guy said “I am over here”. Reply
How do you put a toilet in that room if the way there doesn’t even fit it…. oh wait, must be one of those squatting toilets found everywhere in asia. Reply
1/3 of Americans won’t be able to use that toilet.
and the other 2/3 wont fit down the hall.
hm.. wtf is a wall outlet doing in that hall anyways…
CA Kris, perhaps for a wet vac.dunno.
That reminds me of a story. I was working in a building once, a guy opened the door and yelled “Is the wet vac in here” a mexican guy said “I am over here”.
LOL, got a lot of those in CA
How do you put a toilet in that room if the way there doesn’t even fit it…. oh wait, must be one of those squatting toilets found everywhere in asia.
Infidel, she is yours. You dig those pointy shoes, eh?
She better not wait there. It’s only one lane and the person in there needs to come out first.
She could squish bugs in the corners with those shoes.