8 thoughts on “Life is long”

  1. just think DJ 50 years from now you will be telling people that you lived so long because of whiskey and wild wild women.

  2. Yes, but you will still eventually die. Cosmologically speaking, life is infinitesimally short. Doesn’t matter how long you think you’ll live for, you’ll be dead for much longer… guaranteed 😉

  3. ALN – The problem is I’m now just past the half-way point of the age of the oldest people on earth. And as far as why I would live so long?…do you think weak beer and internet porn will do it for me??
    Ain’t much happenin here (whereskate?)50 more years of this will kill me.

  4. I am going to have to bookmark this… the last time I was reminded that I could be hit by a bus tomorrow, I really messed up!

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