Sunday Open Mic

MicI’m off on a ride today.  Destination unknown.  Then it’s out to dinner with some friends.

Talk about whatever you like. But behave!

Lets see…who to put in charge… hmmmmm.

I may live to regret this… but I think it’ll be Infidel today.


385 thoughts on “Sunday Open Mic”

  1. Ya, it’s food day for Bitsy. LOL, luv how she explains it to her kids.
    Yoshi is hanging in there, KLAW, but still not much improvement. I’m
    praying, and I mean that, that the meds will kick in to his little body.

  2. Whoa. Yer bringin me down, dude. Open a couple of cold ones.
    But Amy’s a real cutie if I remember. That cheers me up again.

  3. We don’t need a chat channel, just let Infi moderate. You know, using the terms Infi and moderate must be an oxymoron.

  4. ALN, it takes a special man to adopt 4 girls. Darling companion says anyone can raise boys, but it takes a real man to raise girls.

  5. Oh yeah. I’m planning on getting laid soon now that I have that shirt.
    But I’m over 50. Don’t know if I can keep it in the proper lane.

  6. DJ, one and the same. It appears thay my old lap top, which has been resuscitated, calls me “some” instead of “Paul”. hey dude

  7. It’s too hot in my house, have to go outside to get fresh air. I shouldn’t complain after the winter we had, but man is it hot.

  8. I’ll be checking out soon…Got to get up at five Monday, and didn’t sleep good last night. I’m fading in and out while i’m sitting here.

  9. I know what you mean. I went to work at 0dark30 this morning and have to head in early tomorrow as well. I’m getting too old for this, I guess.

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