Now I can easily make that video of our police needlessly speeding, rolling through stop signs, tailgating, weaving through traffic, etc.
That made me car sick, puke out loud.
That poor guy is just like me. I always get in the slowest lane!
Wow! That’s so much more simpler than my setup. I did happen to capture a nice car accident with my video camera. But here’s my setup…
Anyone notice how his lane is moving the slowest? Apparently that is a true phenomena and doesn’t just happen to me
dimndgal1, it’s a phenomenon that follows me around like a curious cat. dunno
Sander = I don’t wanna see the tripod, I wanna see the accident!
That looks like a Honda to me.
ever notice how proper following distance means some idiot thinks your letting him in. i was always amazed how some jerk in a small car amused it was ok to cut in front of my 18 wheeler ( my rig had 30 but who is counting) so close i could not see him over my hood.
A L N, very poor judgement. Jimmy Jack’s will have a new website very soon. Big ass Kings and Halibut.
Now I can easily make that video of our police needlessly speeding, rolling through stop signs, tailgating, weaving through traffic, etc.
That made me car sick, puke out loud.
That poor guy is just like me. I always get in the slowest lane!
Wow! That’s so much more simpler than my setup. I did happen to capture a nice car accident with my video camera. But here’s my setup…
Anyone notice how his lane is moving the slowest? Apparently that is a true phenomena and doesn’t just happen to me
dimndgal1, it’s a phenomenon that follows me around like a curious cat. dunno
Sander = I don’t wanna see the tripod, I wanna see the accident!
That looks like a Honda to me.
ever notice how proper following distance means some idiot thinks your letting him in. i was always amazed how some jerk in a small car amused it was ok to cut in front of my 18 wheeler ( my rig had 30 but who is counting) so close i could not see him over my hood.
A L N, very poor judgement. Jimmy Jack’s will have a new website very soon. Big ass Kings and Halibut.