10 thoughts on “Here’s a cool idea”

  1. Now I can easily make that video of our police needlessly speeding, rolling through stop signs, tailgating, weaving through traffic, etc.

  2. Wow! That’s so much more simpler than my setup. I did happen to capture a nice car accident with my video camera. But here’s my setup…

  3. Anyone notice how his lane is moving the slowest? Apparently that is a true phenomena and doesn’t just happen to me

  4. ever notice how proper following distance means some idiot thinks your letting him in. i was always amazed how some jerk in a small car amused it was ok to cut in front of my 18 wheeler ( my rig had 30 but who is counting) so close i could not see him over my hood.

  5. A L N, very poor judgement. Jimmy Jack’s will have a new website very soon. Big ass Kings and Halibut.

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