I wouldn’t normally post stuff like this here, but this really made me laugh. So I’ll post it behind a link so it doesn’t show up on the front page. So don’t open this at work or with little kids around.
As a matter of good taste, don’t open anything with this “extended entry” format because it’s most likely Not Safe For Work.
Perhaps he should be known as the…
Incredibly Lucky Hulk
I hope he doesn’t hurt them.
Thanks Gene
Infi’s new avatar.
the todays version of Atlas ?
You’ve outdone yourself, That Gene Dude, on this one. Too Funny!
Like when Edward Norton said in the movie “you won’t like me when I’m hungry”
DAYUM I love those ,nice big nips,I WANT
was that in the movie?
I think I missed it!
Holy cow.
So pointy, they look like laser guided missiles!
Kate, give us your thoughts on this. Small potatoEs?
WOW, thats the breast post I’ve seen in a while.
My thoughts are that it looks like the Hulk has a boner, and that makes me smile. But does not surprise me, exactly.
Freakin’ hilarious!
now all other marvel heroes’ gonna be jealous.. =/ LOL..