15 thoughts on “Trim the bush to make the tree look taller”

  1. First we have a moron who can’t cut a tree down, and now we have someone who wants to make the tree look taller by cutting.

    Couldn’t we have more Bendy?

    I have to fixate on that but, hmmmm, you know, really, I don’t hate it at all.

  2. Too close to the forest to see the tree?

    Well, let’s hope that’s all it is. Sorry otherwise.

  3. I don’t know yet (*coughKatecough*). But I can post my address and we’ll all find out together.

  4. Ok, who here is brave enough to use a razor like that? I use a waterproof trimmer that gets the job done. It’s not smooth as a baby’s butt, but it’s all good. Nuts and all.

    And not that I need to make the tree look taller, it is true. It’s like, “Damn! Look at this manliness!” KaPOW!

  5. You must be very trusting to let someone that close to that area of your body with a sharp razor. I can see where the shaving cream could be fun, or whipped cream, it comes in flavors now you know. Have I said too much?

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