Taps by the Kansas City Symphony

B&P reader Sander from Kansas recorded this video the other night.

This was performed during a rehearsal at Kansas City’s Union Station. They were rehearsing for their annual “Celebration at the Station” in 2009. The gentleman to the right with his hand over his heart is Retired Air Force General, Richard B. Myers, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Thanks Sander

4 thoughts on “Taps by the Kansas City Symphony”

  1. I was just wandering about with my 3 year old daughter when we came upon this rehearsal. We stayed for the entire rehearsal. The following night, the night of the actual concert and celebration, we headed back down there but couldn’t even get near the place since there were thousands (if not tens of thousands) of people there. I felt to lucky to have had front row seats the night prior.


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